ProPoints SIMPLY FILLING DIARY ... So close to goal ......

Hope u feel better soon. X
Thaaaaaanks everyone ... I did get some loooovely sleep =) ... Although ive woken up feeling sick .. Urghhhhh! Maybe I should push myself to the gym to gain some energy? Coz I have none =( I had a nap last night on me sofa under the duvet .... Was lovely xxxxxxx
Claire I really feel for you, there is nothing worse than feeling sick. I had hyperemesis when I was carrying my little girl 24hr sickness and nausea for 9 months it's awful. Nothing helped either. Can you get your medication changed atall?

Awww petal if the gym might make u feel better then do it ;) x
Mrsm79 said:
Claire I really feel for you, there is nothing worse than feeling sick. I had hyperemesis when I was carrying my little girl 24hr sickness and nausea for 9 months it's awful. Nothing helped either. Can you get your medication changed atall?


Oh goddddd! I just no ile be stuck in hospital on a drip with hyperemesis knowing me!! .... I looked after such patients for 3 months. They had a **** time .... I feel for you tracy ......... I honestly dont no wheres its comes from all this .... My nurse was like, are you pregnant and I was like ive got the implant. Not guna lie tho, she did make me worry it wasn't working lol ...... But I doubt that would happen. Ive been avin them since 08 xxxxxxx
I was in hospital for 10 days on a drip it was awful. You could do a test????? It may put your mind at ease about that!!!
I've got a phobia of being sick now as soon as one of my kids have a stomach bug I have a complete meltdown go mad with the bleach, hand sanitiser I don't even eat coz I figure I won't catch it then.................nutty freak aren't I?

I honestly wish I could suggest something to help with your nausea but I honestly can't sorry:(

Mrsm79 said:
I was in hospital for 10 days on a drip it was awful. You could do a test????? It may put your mind at ease about that!!!
I've got a phobia of being sick now as soon as one of my kids have a stomach bug I have a complete meltdown go mad with the bleach, hand sanitiser I don't even eat coz I figure I won't catch it then.................nutty freak aren't I?

I honestly wish I could suggest something to help with your nausea but I honestly can't sorry:(


I totally know I cant be pregnant as even wen the implant comes out it can take months, years to get pregnant ....... Theres a year & 2 months til it can come out.

Bless ya tracy ...... Must have been awful. I had a phobia wen I was young as I use to vomit over nd over from my diabetes wen I had severe ketones ..... So I no how you feel honey xxxxxxx
1 pound off for me ... :eek: so ive lost 4.5lb in the last 3 weeks xxxxx
Fantastic, well done.


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Taar !! Its just a shame its the 5lb i gained from nowhere ... ah well almost back to my signature 9st3 .... wonder if ile ever get past it ... hehe xxxx
Ooo, i got it wrong .. its 1.5lb off :p;)
Christ, 3 weeks ago i ballooned up to 9st9 ???? god knows how, i wish id have overdone the maccies but i was on sf eating healthier than i have ever in my life ............... and now 3 weeks later im 9st4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooopppp
I went gym and ran 4 n half miles burning 600 calories .. Feel better for it xxxxxxx
My god... 4 and a half miles. That's amazing xx

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Really pleased for u :) sounds like sf and tablets have u sorted!

Well done for gym too ;) x
MrsLmc said:
Awww I'm glad you are feeling so much better, was worried about you yesterday. I went for a run today, I'm full of energy since, the house has never been tidier on a weekend lol

Bless you =) soo kind, your one of the only ones who were .... The fella were working so he couldn't do an awful lot. Just a fb status comment off my mum. Well done you going for a run ....... Send me some of your energy pleeease xxxxxxx
azwethinkweiz said:
My god... 4 and a half miles. That's amazing xx

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I got a bit carried away sarah ... Think I was enjoying the sudden burst of energy xxxxxxx