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Hope u feel better soon. X
Mrsm79 said:Claire I really feel for you, there is nothing worse than feeling sick. I had hyperemesis when I was carrying my little girl 24hr sickness and nausea for 9 months it's awful. Nothing helped either. Can you get your medication changed atall?
Mrsm79 said:I was in hospital for 10 days on a drip it was awful. You could do a test????? It may put your mind at ease about that!!!
I've got a phobia of being sick now as soon as one of my kids have a stomach bug I have a complete meltdown go mad with the bleach, hand sanitiser I don't even eat coz I figure I won't catch it then.................nutty freak aren't I?
I honestly wish I could suggest something to help with your nausea but I honestly can't sorry
*Claire-Bear* said:1 pound off for me ive lost 4.5lb in the last 3 weeks xxxxx
Fantastic, well done.
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*Claire-Bear* said:I went gym and ran 4 n half miles burning 600 calories .. Feel better for it xxxxxxx
MrsLmc said:Awww I'm glad you are feeling so much better, was worried about you yesterday. I went for a run today, I'm full of energy since, the house has never been tidier on a weekend lol
azwethinkweiz said:My god... 4 and a half miles. That's amazing xx
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