ProPoints SIMPLY FILLING DIARY ... So close to goal ......

Todays diary so far .. Lol ..

3 slices ww toast (5pp)
1 bag crinkle crisps (3pp)

Raaaather annoying as I made leek and potato soup last night but it looks like vomit so I cant eat right now.

Oh and for you sf ladies .. I had wholewheat noodles last night by blue dragon .... And you couldn't tell the difference xxxxxxx
Thanks hon, gonna look for those noodles cuz I love noodles :) xx
Hope you feel better soon honey... :(

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Get well soon :) x
Hope u ok sweetie x
Hugs x

I eat brown pasta n its much nicer, easier to digest i find xx
Thanks ladies im off again today ..... Got no energy =( xxxxxxx
*Claire-Bear* said:
Thanks ladies im off again today ..... Got no energy =( xxxxxxx

Awh no... Have you been to the doctor since you started feeling like this? X

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azwethinkweiz said:
Awh no... Have you been to the doctor since you started feeling like this? X

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see coz I have a specialised illness going to a generic doc doesn't really help me as they don't understand diabetes like my specialised nurse n doc. So I usually speak with them at my ill times (which I did 4 times yesterday) .....if you get me. Ive done it before and got stupid answers back like wen I told him I had high bp n I need tablets ... He refused to give me any .... I had to get a referral somewhere else and if I didn't get them pills id have lost my kidney function =( .... My illness is so misunderstood xxxxxxx
That sounds desperate hon. Its like you have to nag people to simply get the meds you need? Unreal! :( My poor Clairebear!! Have you been able to eat much? X

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azwethinkweiz said:
That sounds desperate hon. Its like you have to nag people to simply get the meds you need? Unreal! :( My poor Clairebear!! Have you been able to eat much? X

Sent from my Galaxy S using MiniMins

Welcome to my life .... Hahaha! I had to nag to get a diabetes referral from the doctors ... Its unreal our health care system. If you don't nag you get forgotten about. Ive been eating small amounts ... Like toast and porridge ... I don't feel that hungry but im making myself eat for strength =) xxxxxxx
Bless u hun xx sounds dreadful u poor love x
Hugs x take care hun x
Hope you're ok Claire :( Look after yourself or I'll be forced to come round! I'm only an hour and a half away! Less by train :p

Awwww, thanks all =) ..... Means alot

Hahaa Ruth, where ya from?
