ProPoints SIMPLY FILLING DIARY ... So close to goal ......

Todays SF diary ..

2 boiled eggs & toast
Spread 1pp

2 crumpets
Crisps 3pp

Meatballs & brown pasta
Choc 2pp
Mrsm79 said:
How did u do your meatballs in the end Claire?:)

Yeahh but half of em fell apart lol ...
Oh no!!!! How did u do them? Do u live near a morrisons atall? I buy the venison meatballs from there u get 12 for £1.99 there only 1pp each, free on SF and they are lush:) my 4 year old has decided she actually likes the ones from morrisons and coz she's a fussy arse cow at the mo I've been buying them a fair bit and now everyone's decided they prefer them to my home made ones:(
They are nice tho!
Mrsm79 said:
Oh no!!!! How did u do them? Do u live near a morrisons atall? I buy the venison meatballs from there u get 12 for £1.99 there only 1pp each, free on SF and they are lush:) my 4 year old has decided she actually likes the ones from morrisons and coz she's a fussy arse cow at the mo I've been buying them a fair bit and now everyone's decided they prefer them to my home made ones:(
They are nice tho!

Well I squidged em up then threw em into a hot frying pan. Left em ten mins n they started falling apart. Ile get them meatballs you said in future haha ... Didn't no they were free, morrisons right near me :) xxxxxxx
Hi chick! Well done for the loss. Glad u are feeling a bit better :) hope surgery goes ok on Monday... York is nice for a hen do - can go to the races and then out ;) x
CarlyLanky140 said:
Hi chick! Well done for the loss. Glad u are feeling a bit better :) hope surgery goes ok on Monday... York is nice for a hen do - can go to the races and then out ;) x

Thanks carly ... Ile look into york :)
It's brill. My friend went there. Or if u stay in Liverpool u can go to Haydock park :) x
CarlyLanky140 said:
It's brill. My friend went there. Or if u stay in Liverpool u can go to Haydock park :) x

Oooh, ive been thinking liverpool actually. Great idea xxxxxxx
Todays SF diary ....

1 Egg
1 bacon medallion
2 lc bread

2 crumpets
ls jam

Homemade chips tossed in olive oil, salt & pepper
Baked beans

low fat crisps 3pp

Also went to the gym ... burnt 550 cals ..... did 3.5miles on the treadmill, 2.5 miles on the bike and i (apparently) walked 63 flights of stairs (i only did 16mins on this and i burnt 150 cals !!!!! ) This cool machine which is now my fave in the gym !!!! ;)
Good day today Claire, well done on the gym. I love the cross trainer I did 40 mins on it this afternoon.

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Good day today Claire, well done on the gym. I love the cross trainer I did 40 mins on it this afternoon.

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Taaaaar, Ooooooo well done you !!!! Im not a big fan of the cross trainer .. it hurts my legs .... lol im a loser .......... I dont even no what that machine was called ..... but it was AWESOME !!! if i did an hours worth id burn like 600 cals !!!! :eek::eek:
Iv just had a ltd edition valentines Krispy Kreme ...... Mmmmmmmmm !! SOOO FIT !!!
Grrrrr !! I need a moan !!!!!!!!!!!

Why is it .... unless i contact ppl .... no ****er contacts me??!!!
Ive had enuf ... so from now on ... unless im contacted by my so called friends, i wont be contacting them !!! My so called best friend doesnt even no ive been ill the last 2 week, and hardly anyone knows i have eye surgery tomo .. ya no why, coz noone ever cares about anyone else other than themself !!!!

Pheeeewwww, and breathe !!!!
God welcome to my life Claire I know exactly how you feel, and people wonder why I'm such a hard faced's coz I've had to be!

People are so shitty and selfish sometimes it makes me so angry, I bet if it were them they'd be expecting all the sympathy and you would be there for them.

I don't really know what to say sweet, except I know how you feel and I care about you and I'm really glad you are feeling better. I can't begin to imagine how **** you feel at times but you are very strong and don't deserve friends who treat you like that:(


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God welcome to my life Claire I know exactly how you feel, and people wonder why I'm such a hard faced's coz I've had to be!

People are so shitty and selfish sometimes it makes me so angry, I bet if it were them they'd be expecting all the sympathy and you would be there for them.

I don't really know what to say sweet, except I know how you feel and I care about you and I'm really glad you are feeling better. I can't begin to imagine how **** you feel at times but you are very strong and don't deserve friends who treat you like that:(


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Aaaaaawww taa Tracy, made me smile ;)

See, im pretty hard faced too (behind closed doors) but i HATE upsetting people so tend to just brush it all under the carpet, im usually the one who says 'yeah im fine' (wen im not) and then ask them and they pour their heart out .......
The last time i saw my 'best friend' we were suppose to meet half way as we live 30miles apart, she text the day before saying did i want to come to hers as she needed a moan ??? so i thought oh no somethings happend .. it turned out to be 'work' and her manager was mean to her ????? i think it was somethin to do with me ... as she didnt no i was very ill til i turned up at her door and then suddenly turned it around ...... as i was very suspicious ..............................

anyway, ile just stick to my cats n the gym ... better company anyway ;););) taa Tracy xxx
Well done for the gym. I kno exactly what u mean about the friend thing... So easy to get walked over and to just give and not take... Think u should stick by the not contacting and hope it works :) hope surgery goes ok. Cx
I have friends I haven't heard from in literally months. I always have to make the effort to drive out and see them, none of them have EVER been to my house and I've known these people for over 8 years. That's how ridiculous my situation is. So I get where you're coming from xx

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Eye surgery was ridiculously painful. Im feeling low =( ..... My bridesmaid said she would plan my hen night and said she would make it amazing .... And has done NOTHING since december and ppl keep asking wats going on but ive nothing to tell them..... shes now saying its too hard to plan ??? and we should just have a night out .... Am I being wrong here moaning? I feel pretty let down .... Wat do I say to her? Im so fed up of all this chasing friends ***** ... Its suppose to be my hen night and I wanna do more than wat id do on a normal weekend xxxxxxx