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Awww chick
maybe write her a letter? X
Awww chickmaybe write her a letter? X
I just wouldn't reply. to be honest I find a text totally un acceptable. She should come see you and actually be a friend
God what a complete selfish *****, I bloody hate people like that. Sounds like some of my old "friends" not that I'd refer to them as friends. Just ignore her text and don't even bother coz she's not worth it.
Your so lovely Claire and she doesn't deserve to call you her friend.
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*Claire-Bear* said:Bless u, i can tell your alot like me. Matthew tells me off for giving up on ppl if they show no interest ... but i always say to him, can u blame me??!! haha xxx
Dubchick81 said:My friends hunnie is like that too..
One of her "friends" was to be her bridemaid.. She had asked her over 18 months before the wedding and she accepted.. Then 10 months later me n her got back talking and she asked me to be bridesmaid also.. I said no at first coz it would mean extra expense on her for my dress n she'd hafta add another best man but she insisted. She wanted me as part of the bridal party and that was that.. So I was delighted and when she was ready we went looking for dresses, dress designs.. all the things bridesmaids do.. But Sharon was never available to come.. I will add she was living with a bloke but had no kids or anything so it wasn't a case of no babysitter!! Anyway, we'd found our dress design n colour scheme n were out looking for shoes for us all.. So she asked Sharon to come, but she wasn't available.. So we text to find out her shoe size n style preference.. But she didn't reply.. So the day came that we were going out n she hadn't been in touch n wasn't answering calls or texts.. Then probably 2 weeks after she text to say she couldn't be bridemaid coz she had no decided she was getting the month before so she'd be too tied up getting her own wedding sorted and wouldn't be able bo there to help out as bridesmaids should..
Understandably my friend was furious and didn't talk to her... But her husband insisted she "stop being childish and just talk to her" Told her she hasn't got many friends so she needs the ones she has.... I was like eh get a grip.. BIGGEST day of her life and a year after agreeing to be bridesmaid she's now all of a sudden decided she wants nothing to do with it.. Didn't come on the hen's.. But she was to "get over it"... Nah...
*Claire-Bear* said:Hey well I finally text her ...... Why did I bother?
*Claire-Bear* said:Shes now saying shes the one who always asks me if im ok?? Ive said if your just guna argue you go your way, ile go mine!
Trefoil said:What an absolute tos*er!!!
Leave it, I know it will hurt but you will do a much better job! I wish I could plan it for you! Have you got another close friend you could rely on?!?