ProPoints SIMPLY FILLING DIARY ... So close to goal ......

Im glad u got spoilt ;) exactly what a princess deserves :D:D:D
Blowing bubbles LOL! Bracelet is gorgeous hon, wowza. Bet you were delighted with that :D xx

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Mrsm79 said:
Love that bracelet!!!!!!!!

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Taaaaaar, Tracy did you see her texts ? Xxxxxxx
Claire I've just read the text exchange. Doesn't sound like she thinks she did anything wrong, so wouldn't hold my breath about an apology. Silly girl!! (her not you). At least your OH seems to understand.

Your bracelet is gorgeous x
*Claire-Bear* said:
Taaaaaar, Tracy did you see her texts ? Xxxxxxx

God just read it now, like I said she just sounds like a lazy selfish mare. I can't believe she expects u to be great full for her writing to you when you was in hospital..................isn't that what friends do????? She really doesn't get it does she, of course your hen night needs planning early or is she just expecting to give everyone a txt on the day................muppet!!!!! She doesn't sound like she's bothered at all and like Sarah said I'd love to have a close friend like you near me coz you are so lovely and a real friend. She doesn't sound worth the grief and the upset, you've tried with her that's obvious. I'd just tell her bollocks!!!!

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MrsLmc said:
Claire I've just read the text exchange. Doesn't sound like she thinks she did anything wrong, so wouldn't hold my breath about an apology. Silly girl!! (her not you). At least your OH seems to understand.

Your bracelet is gorgeous x

Yeah deffo won't be getting one of them anytime soon hahahaha!

The bracelet really cheered me up ;)

Mrsm79 said:
God just read it now, like I said she just sounds like a lazy selfish mare. I can't believe she expects u to be great full for her writing to you when you was in hospital..................isn't that what friends do????? She really doesn't get it does she, of course your hen night needs planning early or is she just expecting to give everyone a txt on the day................muppet!!!!! She doesn't sound like she's bothered at all and like Sarah said I'd love to have a close friend like you near me coz you are so lovely and a real friend. She doesn't sound worth the grief and the upset, you've tried with her that's obvious. I'd just tell her bollocks!!!!

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Tracy I knew you'd have a laff reading them! Shes a complete and utter twat!! Ive washed me hands of her! Im just glad none of this texting has bothered me, I hope it ruined her valentines day with her very less than perfect man! And I bloody wish we lived closer :( your more than kind to be so nice to meeee Xxx
Oh and this was what she text this morning ........

I realise that i sometimes need a kick up the arse but no one in this world is perfect n friends are supposed to acept flaws in their friends n not make a big deal out of it.. But i feel like u just want to have a go at me n put all the blame on me, when i dint start this.. I think maybe we need a few days to cool off.. But dispite what u might think i am here for u n i care alot about u n hate seeing u down n in pain.

I won't be replying ........... Ever! Xxxxx
*Claire-Bear* said:
Oh and this was what she text this morning ........

I realise that i sometimes need a kick up the arse but no one in this world is perfect n friends are supposed to acept flaws in their friends n not make a big deal out of it.. But i feel like u just want to have a go at me n put all the blame on me, when i dint start this.. I think maybe we need a few days to cool off.. But dispite what u might think i am here for u n i care alot about u n hate seeing u down n in pain.

I won't be replying ........... Ever! Xxxxx



The silly tit! Just leave her and get on with your own lovely life :)

hey Claire,
sorry only catching up on posts now.
Firstly-she's an idiot!! she doesnt know how lucky she is to have a friend like you. but she will realise (way too late) now that youve left her behind!
Shes shudt have dragged up s**t from the past-the good things friends do for each other isnt something you bring up to cover up all the things you havnt done recently!
She hasnt been there for you and she knows it which is why shes being so defensive. Youre rite to let her go, move on and you are such an amazing person there are plenty of people who wud be honoured to be your friend.... (besides me and all the other girls here!!)
Be happy, glad you enjoyed valentines... xxx
Thanks brona soooo lovely of you to say :) xxxxxxx xxxxxxx
How are u hun?? Feelin any better at all? Xx

Not too bad, im feeling happier now .... did u see what she replied back further up? xxxxxxxx
*Claire-Bear* said:
Not too bad, im feeling happier now .... did u see what she replied back further up? xxxxxxxx

I did chic. She's unreal. She totally knows she's in the wrong but is in denial. Seems to me she's too proud to apologise n admit she cud make more of an effort! Foolish girl! She's losin an amazing person for her stupidness
Dubchick81 said:
I did chic. She's unreal. She totally knows she's in the wrong but is in denial. Seems to me she's too proud to apologise n admit she cud make more of an effort! Foolish girl! She's losin an amazing person for her stupidness

She's obviously living in her own pathetic bubble and is all 'me, me, me'

A bit Loopy loo if u ask me!!!!!!

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Glad u agree girls !! she can live in her own perfect world now ..... ive always been there wen her dick heads boyfs have been nobs in the past ............ so she'll realise whats shes lost wen its too late! .... Im glad its all past now ......... i wont be texting her after a few days, she can contact me ... but who knows if ile reply ;)
Ladies found this little bit of inspiration for those who are strugglin to loose weight for what ever reason ...

Muscle does not weigh more than fat, and you cannot build muscle after a few workouts. It takes a very long time, and intensive weight lifting workouts to build muscle, so if you STS or have a small gain after starting exercise it will likely be water assisting the muscle repair and not weight gain. Also, 1lb of fat weighs the same as 1lb of muscle

STS for a few weeks does not mean the plan isn't working. Our weight fluctuates naturally anyway, so sometimes it can take a couple of weeks for the scales to show a loss. It takes 3500 calories EXTRA a week to gain 1lb of fat, so if you've been good and still sts or gained, stick with the plan as it will show sooner or later.
*Claire-Bear* said:
Ladies found this little bit of inspiration for those who are strugglin to loose weight for what ever reason ...

Muscle does not weigh more than fat, and you cannot build muscle after a few workouts. It takes a very long time, and intensive weight lifting workouts to build muscle, so if you STS or have a small gain after starting exercise it will likely be water assisting the muscle repair and not weight gain. Also, 1lb of fat weighs the same as 1lb of muscle

STS for a few weeks does not mean the plan isn't working. Our weight fluctuates naturally anyway, so sometimes it can take a couple of weeks for the scales to show a loss. It takes 3500 calories EXTRA a week to gain 1lb of fat, so if you've been good and still sts or gained, stick with the plan as it will show sooner or later.

What about mahoosive gains?:)

I've been reading up on SW and it does sound like an awful lot of fannying about, good recipes but very similar to SF.

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