ProPoints SIMPLY FILLING DIARY ... So close to goal ......

What about mahoosive gains?:)

I've been reading up on SW and it does sound like an awful lot of fannying about, good recipes but very similar to SF.

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God knows! i plagiarized HAHA!

Ive been reading too ... i dont get it .... do you understand what all this HEX and syns thing is?
*Claire-Bear* said:
God knows! i plagiarized HAHA!

Ive been reading too ... i dont get it .... do you understand what all this HEX and syns thing is?

I've asked Jenny on here I'll copy what she put:)

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Originally Posted by Mrsm79
Hey Jen, I don't spose you could give me the ins and outs of SW could you please:)

In the basic terms, there are 3 days. Extra Easy, Red or Green

There are three types of food
* Superfree
* Free
* Healthy Extras

Anything not in those groups, will have a Syn Value

Sticking with Extra Easy, your Superfree food is all your veg (not potatoes, parsnips or peas), and fruit. No need to weigh, measure, count any of this.

Your Free food is lean meat, fish, quorn, tofu, beans, eggs, yogurts like mullers & WW ones, some cottage cheeses (eurgh!) and quark, pasta, rice (I think they advise brown pasta and rice instead of white..), noodles, potatoes, parsnips and peas... Again no need to weigh, measure or count any of that..

Your Healthy Extras are there to make sure you get enough calcium and fibre - Healthy Extra A choice is a measured portion of milk or cheese, and Healthy Extra B choice is a measured portion of brown bread, cereal, ryvita-type-things..

The idea is, on Extra Easy, you have your plate, right, and you fill 1/3rd of it with the Superfree veg/fruit. Then you can have your Free food for the other 2/3rd of the plate. You eat til you are satisfied not stuffed

You get between 5 to 15 syns a day. At first, coming from WW, the syn values will seem high, but don't forget how much "free" food you have access to. As an idea, if you to have a curly wurly, these are 3pp each, but 6.5 syns. It sounds like more than it is

There's also the old fashioned Red and Green days - Groups don't seem to be promoting them anymore, but basically red days are all you can eat Meat, and you limit the carbs, green days are carb-fests and you limit the meat. You get 2 Healthy Extra A choices and 2 Healthy Extra B choices. On a red day, you can have as much meat as you like, but have to portion your potatoes/pasta as a HxB choice. On Green days, you have as much pasta, potatoes or rice as you like, and portion your meat as a HxB choice.
I can explain these red&green days way better if you want, just ask

I dont know what you are like for bread products - Thats the main thing I find a challenge on SW. These pretty much work out with a syn value of 20 calories is 1 syn - So a 160 calorie roll, is 8 syns as an example. It is a good plan, and it really does work, but it does take a bit extra planning than Weightwatchers, in my opinion.

If you want to give it a go, I would honestly think about popping along to a class, 9 times out of 10 it's half price membership fee, so its only a tenner for the first class, and that gets you the book with all the information. There's quite a good "basic" syn list in the book, it has a few brands, but for the basics, it is good.

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Originally Posted by Mrsm79
Hey Jen, I don't spose you could give me the ins and outs of SW could you please:)

In the basic terms, there are 3 days. Extra Easy, Red or Green

There are three types of food
* Superfree
* Free
* Healthy Extras

Anything not in those groups, will have a Syn Value

Sticking with Extra Easy, your Superfree food is all your veg (not potatoes, parsnips or peas), and fruit. No need to weigh, measure, count any of this.

Your Free food is lean meat, fish, quorn, tofu, beans, eggs, yogurts like mullers & WW ones, some cottage cheeses (eurgh!) and quark, pasta, rice (I think they advise brown pasta and rice instead of white..), noodles, potatoes, parsnips and peas... Again no need to weigh, measure or count any of that..

Your Healthy Extras are there to make sure you get enough calcium and fibre - Healthy Extra A choice is a measured portion of milk or cheese, and Healthy Extra B choice is a measured portion of brown bread, cereal, ryvita-type-things..

The idea is, on Extra Easy, you have your plate, right, and you fill 1/3rd of it with the Superfree veg/fruit. Then you can have your Free food for the other 2/3rd of the plate. You eat til you are satisfied not stuffed

You get between 5 to 15 syns a day. At first, coming from WW, the syn values will seem high, but don't forget how much "free" food you have access to. As an idea, if you to have a curly wurly, these are 3pp each, but 6.5 syns. It sounds like more than it is

There's also the old fashioned Red and Green days - Groups don't seem to be promoting them anymore, but basically red days are all you can eat Meat, and you limit the carbs, green days are carb-fests and you limit the meat. You get 2 Healthy Extra A choices and 2 Healthy Extra B choices. On a red day, you can have as much meat as you like, but have to portion your potatoes/pasta as a HxB choice. On Green days, you have as much pasta, potatoes or rice as you like, and portion your meat as a HxB choice.
I can explain these red&green days way better if you want, just ask

I dont know what you are like for bread products - Thats the main thing I find a challenge on SW. These pretty much work out with a syn value of 20 calories is 1 syn - So a 160 calorie roll, is 8 syns as an example. It is a good plan, and it really does work, but it does take a bit extra planning than Weightwatchers, in my opinion.

If you want to give it a go, I would honestly think about popping along to a class, 9 times out of 10 it's half price membership fee, so its only a tenner for the first class, and that gets you the book with all the information. There's quite a good "basic" syn list in the book, it has a few brands, but for the basics, it is good.

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Ahhhhh cheers Tracy!!! so you get 15 syns a day ? i suppose its learning all the syns n stuff .... the only thing that draws me to it is the fact i dont have to point everything ..........
Im totally not gettin any of this, im sat researching it ......... lol .......... so i can only have 5-10 a day? :eek: ....Im thinking of going onto sw to see if its any better for my hypothyroidism as im loosing didly squat on ww
*Claire-Bear* said:
Im totally not gettin any of this, im sat researching it ......... lol .......... so i can only have 5-10 a day? :eek: ....Im thinking of going onto sw to see if its any better for my hypothyroidism as im loosing didly squat on ww

I don't get it either:)

WW seems simple!!!!!

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I don't get it either:)

WW seems simple!!!!!

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Wouldnt be so bad if there was a 'HOW TO ... ' section for us simpletons ................ im liking some of the 'free' foods you can have ......
I think u need to get the book Claire. It's all colour coded so ya kno what's what...

They recommend 5-10 but yer allowed 15... I think it's kinda like our 49 weeklies. Ya hav the extra shud ya need them...
Unlike sf u can eat white pasta n rice for "free", doesn hafta b wholemeal. Ya can hav 1 ptn of bread a day syn free n after that it's synned.
In case ya don't kno they're syns are out propoints :)
I need a step by step 'idiots' guide:)

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SNAP! If your totally serious about sw apparently its only a tenner for your first meeting and you get the starter pack not to mention someone to explain it step by step .... im contemplating going to a meeting on wednesday next week purely so i can get the books n then do it at home ..........
So How Does Slimming World Food Optimising Actually Work?

The diet has three steps:

Step 1 – Choose Free Foods
Slimming World provides detailed lists of foods that can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Fresh fruit and most veg are classified as Superfree Foods because they are so low in calories. Free Foods include lean meat, chicken, fish, potatoes, rice, pasta, grains, pulses, starchy veg, eggs, fat-free dairy products, Quorn and tofu. Within Free Foods, there are three choices available: the Extra Easy choice; the Green choice (sometimes known as a Green Day); or the Original choice (a Red Day). You can mix and match these choices from one day to another or simply stick to the same one all of the time.

Step 2 – Choose Healthy Extras
In addition to Superfree and Free Foods, you are allowed Healthy Extras every day. These vary according to whether you are following the Extra Easy, Green or Original plan.

Step 3 – Choose Syns
Syns is shorthand for synergy – Slimming World believes it’s the synergy between the three components of the plan, ie. Free Foods, Healthy Extras and Syns, that makes Food Optimising effective at enabling weight loss. Nevertheless, many of the Syns are effectively what other diet plans would call ‘treats'. But Syns also includes foods found in the Healthy Extras, allowing you to eat bigger portions of these foods if you want them.

Regardless of the plan you choose to follow, you are allowed five to 15 Syns a day. These include foods like biscuits , cakes, crisps, dressings, alcohol, ice cream, preserves, puddings, pizza, chocolate and sweets. The Syns value for some foods may vary depending on the plan you are following but as a guideline one Syn is equivalent to around 20 calories. In contrast, WLR doesn’t encourage you to associate any food with negativity. Instead you learn the benefits of certain types of foods as you go and learn to make healthy choices, with the odd treat thrown in.

What Can I Eat With the Slimming World Extra Easy Choice?

You start by filling a third of your plate with Superfree fruit and veg, then add unlimited amounts of foods from the following: beans, peas, lentils, bulgur wheat, couscous, potatoes, pasta, noodles, rice, eggs, Quark, fat-free cottage cheese, natural fromage frais and natural yoghurt, Quorn, tofu, lean meat, poultry, offal and fish. On top of this you choose one Healthy Extra from the A choices, which are mainly calcium-rich dairy products. For example, a choice is 350ml skimmed milk, 28g Cheddar or 42g mozzarella. Plus, you choose one Healthy Extra from the B choices, which tend to be higher in fibre and include wholegrain cereals, crispbreads and bread, dried, cooked and canned fruit, and filling soups. For example, a choice is one wholemeal pitta, two slices of wholemeal bread from a small loaf, 28g wholegrain cereal or 71g dried apricots. Then you have your Syns on top of this.

What Can I Eat With the Slimming World Green Choice?

The Green choice focuses on more carb-rich foods and less meat, so is a better choice for people who follow a vegetarian diet. Once again you start by choosing Superfree Foods and then add unlimited amounts of Green Free Foods, which include beans, peas, lentils, bulgur wheat, couscous, pasta, potatoes, noodles, rice, eggs, fat-free natural yoghurt, fromage frais and cottage cheese, Quorn and tofu. You choose one or two Healthy Extra A choices (low-fat dairy products) and two Healthy Extra B choices, the list of which is extended to include lean meat, poultry, fish, nuts, seeds and more cheeses. For example, a choice is 57g cooked beef, 71g cooked chicken, 142g cod, 28g Edam or 28g houmous. Syns are added on top of this.

Unlike WLR, you are restricted in what you eat, in the sense that you follow certain plans provided for you. This could limit your flexibility on the plan, especially if the diets don’t suit you.

Slimming World doesn’t educate you in calories which, when it comes to make healthy choices, is what really counts. If you decide to leave Slimming World, you may struggle to keep your weight off in the long-term without having learned about calories and portion sizes.

What Can I Eat With the Slimming World Original Choice?

The Original choice focuses on more lean protein-rich foods and fewer carb-rich foods. You start by filling up on Superfree Foods then add unlimited amounts of Red Free Foods, which include lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, fat-free natural yoghurt, fromage frais and cottage cheese, Quorn and tofu. You choose one or two Healthy Extra A choices (low-fat dairy products) and two Healthy Extra B choices, the list of which is extended to include beans, lentils, wholewheat pasta and potatoes. For example, a choice is 142g baked beans, 100g cooked wholewheat pasta or a 227g baking potato (raw weight). Syns as always, are added to this.
And me doh!!!!!!:)

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Im not getting what HEB, HEX and HEA are ??????? god im rubbish at this :eek:
Tracy, some of these are loosing a fair bit a week on this diet !!! i recon its worth a go if we can get the hang of it :confused::confused::p:p:p
*Claire-Bear* said:
Tracy, some of these are loosing a fair bit a week on this diet !!! i recon its worth a go if we can get the hang of it :confused::confused::p:p:p

Ok, I'll let the prosecco wear off then I'll have another look tomorrow, I know star kissed tried it for a few days and understood it:)

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Ok, I'll let the prosecco wear off then I'll have another look tomorrow, I know star kissed tried it for a few days and understood it:)

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Maybe we can get her to explain to us how to do it .... it sounds quite good ........... plus a new challenge compared to boring old points xxxx enjoy your booze missy ;)