ProPoints SIMPLY FILLING DIARY ... So close to goal ......

Heheee, thanks ... but today im not movin from this sofa :p i had to catch up on housework last night - took aaaages coz id not been able to do it all last week .... feels good wen its all done :D i loooove a clean house ;)
Me too! It's tough being a lazy clean freak ;) hehe!

Hope u enjoy ur sofa day xx
Hahaaaa, have a loooovely day too Carly xxxx
enjoy your time off hun and London x
Ooooh I'd love a trip to London :D xx

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How are you getting on this week hon? You didn't post a food diary yesterday :( (I always look forward to yours cuz we're on the same dailies and you use your weeklies too hehe!) xx
Ohhh bloody ell .... i totally forgot ..

Ile post now ...

Mondays diary ..

Milk = 3
Breakfast (@ midday)
egg & bacon on toast = 7 ............ 10

Mid afternoon snack
Crisps = 3 .......................... 13

Chicken Kiev (these are DELISH) = 8
Rice mixed with veg & curry sauce = 4
............................................. 25

Crunchie = 5
mullerlite = 2
Mcvities mini choc hobnobs = 3 ... = 35

so 6 weeklies used ... i now have 20 weeklies remaining :p ... so what i do from now is distribute them between the next 4 days so i can have treats everyday :D

and thanks for all your lovely comments about London .... and Anna, oh yes you will be there VERY soon :D

Well, as some of you may have seen on my fb ... today my weight loss payed off more than when you get a compliment sayin u look fab ..... ive been battlin with my bp now for years because my diabetes hasnt been well controlled since i was in my teens ........ and after multiple bp reducing tablets i FINALLY have a text book bp ...... and its all down to my weight loss ... a diabetic with a BMI of 27, which mine was is a heartattack waiting to happen ... now i have a BMI of 24.5 my body is finally deciding to be good and my heart is under less pressure - im so happy today ... ive worked hard for this and it feels great :D
Oh are the mini choc hobnobs nice? How many do you get for 3pp? Nice with a cuppa I'd say!!
Awh excellent news about your bp! *proud of youuuu* xXx :D :D
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks :D I recon u lot keep me calm too so you all helped me too :D

Id say u get about 6/7 .. they are FIT .. dip em in yer brew :D
Might head to Tescos and see if I can fish them out!! Would love something like that for me cup-o-scald! I dont really like the WW mini cookies, doesnt taste like a real biscuit lol! x
Ohhh yes!! Mcvities also do - mini cookies, mini iced jems, mini choc digestives ... all for 3p a bag .. :D ooo i dont touch ww cookies .. not worth it wen u can have the real thing :D
Oh really?? I never picked any of those up because I thought they'd be vicious PP lol!! I'm defo heading to the shop after work (might get a quiche as my big dinner today ;) ) x
Ooooo, we have one in the fridge waiting for us to muuuunch ... yeah theres loads of things ive ignored in the past that ive finally pp'd and they have been pretty reasonable :D
I hope tesco have the crustless one in (it was gone last time :( ) because its lower pp which means I can have a few wedges on the side or something. Which one have you got in hon? I feckin' love quiche. LOVE it!
Delighted about those biccies, cant wait to go get some now heehee!! They'd be good for me tea break at work (I'm already imagining eating them LOL!!) x
Heheeee, i could quite easily eat the full pack of 6 ... there yum!

I have an ASDA (sorry) deep fill chicken, cheese and bacon quiche its 13p for half ... i usually have salad with it as its pretty filling alone
Mmm that quiche sounds yum. Oh my god I NEED Asda in my life. :sigh:
The crustless ham & cheese Tesco one is 12pp for half I think. Honestly I could sit and eat my way through the entire thing if I let myself. I'm very bad when it comes to savoury things involving eggs and/or pastry hehe. :eek: