Well done on your 1/2 off Honey, it may not seem like much but they all add up
Congrats on your 1lb off Kwise, I am liking your small goals, very achievable
Woohoo Sarah, your 4 stone shiny you must be made up with that. I know you had a wobble a few weeks ago, but look at you now! It just shows that through the tough times, as long as you dig deep in the old motivation reserves you will get where you want to be
Jack - another shiny - well done and I hope you are well after your hospital visit
Awww Sausage,tis only a little gain when you consider how much you have lost. You've had a tough week emotionally, my destist phobia is second to none. Imagine a woman hyperventilating in the waiting room, having the receptionist trying to calm them down and then see them running out of the room 30 secs after sitting in the chair - thats me that is

Even the thought of going would send me skydiving into a vat of chocolate :sigh: I've just been reading ahead and you seem focussed and back on track - so good on ya
Why_D it comes to us all eventually :sigh: You have done so well and have had a massive run of losses, its probably just a catch up week (and you're still Mr Consistant in my eyes)
Woohoo Emma thats fabby, and reading ahead you have had a good day today as well- good luck for this week
Welcome Spanx, Gail did [STRIKE]warn [/STRIKE] tell us that she had invited you over. Congrats on your loss this week
Well done on your STS Ritz, especially as you werent in full control of what food was available
Mrs, congrats on your loss and w00t another shiny!. I know like Honey you were hoping for more but sometimes the scales just arent that kind to us. It could be just a normal flucatuation/adjustment etc, but there will also be times where you get a big loss and wonder how on earth it happened. It all evens out in the end
Congrats on your 2lb loss dizzy,
Gail wohooo your 5 stone shiny - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You can now join Honey, Why_d and I (well, Honeys and Why-D's shinys are invisible but it still counts) as we shimmy around minimins with our well deserved shinies
Roziee congrats on your loss this week, and only 3 more till you get under a fabby milestone
Congrats on your loss Elaine, I know you are probably a bit disappointed with that, as I think you had an aim of 3? But its a loss at the end of the day, and should be celebrated
re your galivanting over the next few weeks, just take it easy whilst still having a great time. Just because its an all inclusive doesnt mean that you have to eat your own bodily weight because it's 'free'

I would maybe suggest trying to keep to the ethos of SW as much as possible ie fruit for breakfast, and well, just make the right choices as much as possible. Re the syns - well, lets be honest you are going to go over lol. But maybe stick to say 30 a day? And ask yourself everytime temptation strikes, how much do you want it?
I think thats everyone - apologies if I have missed you out