Hula princess in training
That sounds amazing Ela ine! Hope you've had a lovely time so far
Rozie i hope your week gets better and youir trips out sound lovely. If i remember correctly its also your birthday and so you have to enjoy it. The weight will come off eventually but we can't stop enjoying life because we're on a healthy eating plan
So don't worry too much if you do get a gain - You'll work it off in no time 
We have a lovely sunny day here too Kwise! Wow poor you but think of all the body magic you got from gardening
You'll do brilliantly tomorrow Kwise and hopefully get to that 10 stone mark.
mmmm the chocolate egg talk is making my mouth water - Well done on having such strong will power to make eggs but not eat them
I'm off to the park with my little couins (i say little but they are all 15 years old or older lol..well they sill are younger than me) So hopefully i'm going to get soem body magic out of all the walking and running
The weather is just soo beautiful at the moment that i'm having fruit salad for breakfast and am planning to have a salad for lunch
Loves the hot weather as it makes me much more social lol
Hope everyone else is having a lovley weekend too Xx
Rozie i hope your week gets better and youir trips out sound lovely. If i remember correctly its also your birthday and so you have to enjoy it. The weight will come off eventually but we can't stop enjoying life because we're on a healthy eating plan
We have a lovely sunny day here too Kwise! Wow poor you but think of all the body magic you got from gardening
mmmm the chocolate egg talk is making my mouth water - Well done on having such strong will power to make eggs but not eat them
I'm off to the park with my little couins (i say little but they are all 15 years old or older lol..well they sill are younger than me) So hopefully i'm going to get soem body magic out of all the walking and running
Hope everyone else is having a lovley weekend too Xx
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