Kwise I as sat here positively dribbling at the sight of your eggs and choccy bunny, they look fab-food porn at its best

Your little gain was probably due to the volume of food and the time that you ate-the first gain is always the hardest. But its not the end of the world, and after a few days you'll forget how peed off you were -promise
Woodland Girl - hope the scales decide which way they are going to go tomorrow - obviously downward
Congrats Rayven on your 1 stone sticky
Wow Honey - thats fab, and if my maths doesnt decieve me, its only another .5 until you get your 5 and half stone non shiney - woohoooo
Hi dizzydawnie - I think that maybe you were expecting a little gain after you said you were planning to have a 100% week this week. Sometimes a little gain can give your motivation a bit of a boost - it does me. Good luck with your 100% week

the hula hoop queen, does it work on the little paunchy bit? As that is my worst area

. At least it wasnt a gain me dears, you had a boozy bbq and maintained so its not all bad
Congrats on your loss Why_D, back to your losing ways I see
Wow Sarah, a fabby loss and your 4 stone shiny - WELL DONE
Hi MadMavey - welcome to the sunday gang and congrats on your loss today. We are a friendly bunch on here so dont be a stranger
Hi neveragain - congrats on your STS and have a lovely time caravanning in this fabby weather
Woohoo Potatogirl - congrats on your loss, I saw your other thread after your sneaky peek panic

I think you already know by now - if its going to affect you like that, then it isnt worth it.
Congrats on your 4 stone shiny Spanx it is a massive milestone
Woohoo the traveler returns -sounds like you had a great time Elaine and to come home with a loss

you must be on cloud nine
Emma- well done on your loss this week - keep it up, you can do it
Missus - I totally understand how you feel. I know you must be mightily peed off, I know I would be too. All I can suggest is that you keep it up for another week to give a true refelction to give the changes that you made last week chance to take affect. If you get another 'low' loss next week then I would suggest you change everything - the meals, your HeX, even your syns to try and gee up your metabolism a little bit and to try and keep your body guessing.
Can I ask how many syns your are having? Maybe you need more than the regular 15 - this is something that SW can change ie if you are over a certain weight (dont know what that is tho) then you are permitted more syns
Keep at it Missus - it will sort itself out soon, your body just isnt playing ball at the mo.