I think it will look daft hahahaha, I cant say I have ever seen five bridesmaids dressed in black before, but its her wedding I spose
I might try for a navy blue ........ thats nearly black
What about a dark aubergine or plum? I'd suggest to her looking at what colours are "in" over winter and see what comes up in the Christmas party dress ranges as they can be quite bridesmaidy, so you might get a few dresses in different sizes but all in the "in" colour. The other way that might overcome the difficulty of getting a range of dresses all the same shade in such a wide variety of sizes, is to have the bridesmaids in a couple of different contrasting but complimentary shades. I really think she has more options than black, but as you say it's her wedding, and you need to tread carefully so as not to offend her vision of her wedding.
...... <snip>.....so that when we eventually
renew our vowels I can look and feel great
I'm as bad as anyone for typos, so I don't usually comment, but this did make me giggle, as I have a vision of you at the front of the church with your OH solemnly repeating ....
"Do you, Kwise, promise to love honour and keep your A E I O U as long as you both shall live?"
All is starting to settle down here. Funeral was a lovely service. HUGE numbers of people attended, absolutely loads of them, it was a real testament to the lovely, funny, feisty lady that she was! LittleOzMoz went up to do her speech, but broke down when she started "My Nanna...." so I went up and finished it for her with her next to me, so all was good and everyone proud of her, including me, as I thought it took real bottle for her to go up there in front of so many, on such an emotional occasion.
Foody-wise, I've been as good as gold the last 4 days or so, since whenever I said I was going to be good

apart from a piece of mud-cake and custard, which OH nipped out and bought and presented me with because he loved his dinner so much! I couldn't say no.... well I could have, but I didnt want to
I'll be back to weighing in weekly on Sunday and see what damage has been done by my erratic eating over the last few weeks, I'm hoping that these last few days will undo some of the damage as I know there was some, but I have no idea how much!
Anyway, I better go have my brekkies as currently my stomach thinks my throat has been cut, it's screaming blue murder!!