Welcome Moomin!! :happy036: You will be right at home here

How are you finding SW compared to calorie counting? For how long were you calorie counting to lose 8 stone? You are doing amazingly well.
hiya silly sausage lol

since may 2005 !!! i do nowt fast it was more weight management diet cos in me head i would count checks but never as little as they recommended if they said 50 i would have 55/6o and if i was going on hol i wouldnt count but perhaps just not weigh myself for two weeks give it chance to get back down same for meals out and slowly the weight came off ......i mean slow never any big losses. but my weight seemed to stick at 11 and a half and just bob up and down and didnt want to eat any less so i just thought i would try to maintain. after me op i was 11 (must been the skin i had removed and feeling not hungry much while recovering. but now life is rr good i keep getting asked out for meals or going on holiday!! i was finding it harder to stick to the 40 checks which was 1000 cals and used to eat as much choc as poss and be permanently hungry. so when me weight looked like it was creeping i decided to have a change and hopefylly something which would force me to cut back on the sweet stuff and eat some food. i tried ww for three weeks but i think its the counting that does me heeed in lol. i love sw so far just need to gove it time and see if i lose with it cos if not i will have to suck it up and go back to starvation

but going to give it a 100% hence the cooking and spending too much on food but i will reign it in once i am settled into it. we shall see what sunday brings. wow i just realised how long my reply is!!!!! apologies i am off work with tonsilitis and layrngitis so been told to rest me voice so i think i am making up for it on here lol