Welcome back Gail
Sum and I have been AWOL for a few days because I invited a friend down to stay for a few days before he travels back to Malaysia -possibly for good

On the itenerary was...
Day 1 trip to Weston Super Mare, where we ate fish and chips on the beach, went in a 4D cinema, raced down a helter skelter and played crazy golf. Uni friend also made his very first sandcastle
Day 2 - trip to Avebury where we had a rather lovely cream tea of scones, clotted cream and jam. Yuuuuuuuuuummmmmmy. We also went on a white horse search and walked up the hill to one of them to burn off a few calories
Day 3 - Trip to stonehenge, followed in the evening with a home made curry

although both he and Sum were rather shocked that my rice came in bags hahahahaha
As you can tell Fast Forward hasnt exactly been on the agenda

I might have a go at it next week properly when I havent got so much on
Good luck for this morning weigh in gang. Early congrats to Nettie for your 5lb loss