Plodding on.......
Same here PixiJust one tiny week. A perfect week for the new month! I have missed getting under the 200s, but need to have a good try at getting my 4 stone shiny back before my 1 year SW birthday in a fortnight. I had it weeks ago and lost it *tuts loudly*
No worries. This isn't a race. You will get it back. Just think that you are more than 50 lbs lighter than you were 1 year ago. Look at the big picture and be proud. I don't care what you have lost or not lost in the last few weeks. I care what you have achieved
I put on 1.75 lb after my hols which of course I am gutted about but ready to keep on with the plan. TBH I was not enjoying not being at home and missed my lovely healthy meals. Hoping to get it back off this coming week. xx
Actually, that's a great result. I put on 11lb on my holiday
Basically its because I am not losingI got down to my 4 stone loss in November last year, and have hardly lost since then. Admittedly I did get down to a 5 stone loss at my lowest weight in the middle of May but that one stone loss took me 6 months! I am now at a 4.10 loss (which sounds even worse!)
I just feel really meh about it all. I have even considered going over to the dark side AKA WW, but I did that once and I was either constantly starving or eating junk, so realistically thats not going to happen lol
I think the main problem is, is that I am caught in a circle of following the plan and either not losing or undeservedly gaining for weeks on end. So, I think meh what's the point as I am not going to lose anyway and therefore I may as well drink/eat what I what .........
I really need to see a few losses in a row and not this yo-yoing that I have had for the past few months, coz I the moment I feel like I am getting nowhere fast!
Still on 100% for this week though![]()
Again, I understand that feeling, but as I said above, look at the bigger (or rather 'smaller picture'
*Scratches head trying to work out the sweary word*
Coz I am innocent you see :innocent0002:
Right must be offski as I have a visitor tomorobit of body magic and all that <oops halo just slipped>
Wooohoooo. Get you lurved up Smartie
Sorry I have been missing in action for a couple of weeks. I have just read the last 10 pages and am still missing a couple of pages before that. Eeeeek. Musn't leave it so long next time.
Well, I have been struggling a bit recently but I am still weighing weekly regardless and mostly following SW. I am still 6.5lb heavier than my lowest weight about a week before I went on holiday at the end of May. However I have eaten a lot of chocolate/cinnamon buns etc etc in that time so it's not that much of a surprise. I have a plan. Am doing my best this week despite lots of meals out. Away next week (have a SW buddy where I'm going so will try my best again there) and then I'm going to set myself some mini targets when I get back. I think I need that focus at the moment. But, on the other side of things, I have my SW anniversary coming up too (about the same time as sausage I think) and just as my 6 month anniversary was quite emotional, this one will be too.
So, on the NSV thing that someone posted earlier
Why losing weight is awesome because ...
I have dropped 5 dress sizes, I feel good about myself, I don't mind being in photos for the first time in my life or looking at my reflection in a window and I can honestly say that as much as I (always) want to go and eat lots of biscuits (or insert any other word that = sweet, sugary, carbohydrate !) I really want to continue on SW for the rest of my life. It's the only way I have of staying where I am (or even moving downwards again !) and I just cannot face going back 'where I came from'. I am so much happier now and I can honestly say that this has changed my life in lots of ways.
Sorry again for my absenteeism (and apologies in advance because I won't have access from Saturday) but I will keep coming back (and posting long threads - haven't you all missed that.......................
Gail x