Good morning! Am sitting here having a cup of coffee, and will get naked and find out the truth in a few minutes (that sounds wrong, doesn't it!

Well another 2.5lbs off for me this week which I am over the moon with as it means I can tick off losing half a stone and getting back into the 15's.
Still a long way for me to go but I am well on the way and happy to be moving in the right direction!
Good luck to everyone today xxx
Well done, bluebex, that's fabulous! half a stone, and a new set of numbers, you're doing the right thing for sure!!!
Sts for me :-( going to try lots of bee things this week to get it moving again!!
Woodland Girl, I'm with Why_D, showing up and weighing is a vistory, and a STS is pretty good too.. Well done! And I know the bee things are going to get things moving for you, for sure...
A sts for me too, going to go for it this week though. Well done to those who have lost so far x x
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Hi Madmavey, well done for weighing in, that's a good result, and it's going to be an awesome week for you!
I lost 5 this week. Was 100% all week and did loads of swimming. This means I get my 4 stone sticky back. Should be chuffed, but most of me thinks I shouldn't have lost it weeks ago in the first place.
Wow, that's a huge amount to lose! Well done, silly, am so pleased for you - just shows that eating well and swimming has amazing results - that's hugely inspirational, and no being down on yourself, you are making awesome progress,and you're doing so well. Well done you!
morning all well done to those that have weighed in already even if you didnt lose, you didn't gain and showed up so well done!
i've STS this week also. I blame the cake. it's all the cake's fault!
Mmmmmmmmmm, cake! Well done, Why_D, a year and a week later, and we're still here on the dot, being accoutnable, showing up and weighin in !
Yay me- 3lb off (been 100% this week) for me bringing me (again!!) to a healthy BMI of 25.
So I now need to continue - ta-dah!!
Oh Kwise, that's amazing, that's so inspirational to me, that a good week has such a great result - well done and woo hoo!!!
STS for me which is fine as I have had two birthday meals out and a night out drinking... My stomach is not happy with me!
That's a good result, Pinkie, I would have gained for sure with that!!!