Some good results this week!! Well done everyone - if I were wearing a hat I would take it off to you .... but I'm not, so I can't ... but you get the general idea
I haven't weighed myself in line with my policy. However, I feel flabby and wobbly and generally gross, I think I have been gaining weight and deservedly so, the last little while I've been making no effort whatsoever.
However, I do have a ray of hope, I have an interview on Tuesday for a part-time casual job. It's general office admin, the lady who phoned me this week told me from my resume that I would be able to do the job blind-fold but I said that I would rather not as I don't like the dark much

She was concerned though about me being over qualified, I just said that in all honesty that didn't worry me, although ultimately I would prefer full-time hours, it would suit me quite well to work part-time because of LittleOzMoz. That isn't really true though as although in theory p/t would suit me, we need the full-time wage, but I don't want to put them off me as this is the first hope I've had in months!
Anyway, keep your fingers crossed for me on Tuesday morning, which will mean you all going to bed with your fingers taped crossed on your Monday night. That should do the trick!