Full Member
Thanks Sarah, I am managing 100% so far this week too. I do mainly green days and love filling up on pasta and rice!
I'm hanging in here. Had a so so week up to now. Am seriously thinking of joining a club. Thoughts folks?
I'm hanging in here. Had a so so week up to now. Am seriously thinking of joining a club. Thoughts folks?
For the first time since January 2012 I am seriously considering not getting on the scales this week. I've had a terrible week again. Normally I would not even hesitate to get on the scales and face up to it but I'm so mad at myself for falling back into my old bingeing habits, I really thought I'd cracked it this time.
In my mind I've already written off tomorrow and Monday (it's a bank holiday on Monday and traditional kite flying day, we always head to the beach with a communal picnic and plenty of wine!). Maybe a Tuesday WI just for this week is the answer, rather than leaving it 2 weeks.
The psychology of it drives me crazy, I hate being fat and how bingeing makes me feel but nothing stops me from doing it:argh: :flamingmad: :sign0163:
Sorry to hear that but best wishes for this week, don't give up, look how far you have come x x x5lbs on.............hangs head in disgust and crawls back under my stone!
5lbs on.............hangs head in disgust and crawls back under my stone!
Morning all!!!!
Bit annoyed, because I gave it everything this week, and only a 1 lb loss. Sigh. I went to the gym five times this week, and really really pushed myself. I've eaten fairly well, and I just hoped for a bit more. Never mind, another week another chance!!
I'd like to see a two pound loss by next Sunday, and get down to 196 lbs. I think I can do it, my target was to get down to 194 lbs in March, and it feels so hard these days. Oh well, just stick at it
Good luck everyone else - be brave, and weigh in no matter what!!!
Sts but I ate really late last night and it was a massive bowl of pasta. Will work extra hard this week