Sunday Weighers... or is it only me?

P.P.S. Not to give too much away about tomorrow (and obviously I'm not psychic..........) but I think your shiny is safe from me

for now !!!
@Lucy:D: Oooh sounds like your having a brillaint time and well done for keeping to plan :D

Ooooh Gail, have you seen my rep score its shot up by 13 today, and I have only been doing my normal nonsensical waffle posts :eek:

*swans off feeling very important :D*

Hahaha Smartie i think you've been working on your social networking assignment for to long. Because your post seems to resemble a narcissistic social update :p (Please don't hurt me lol)
I wanted to give you your 200 but the computer said Noooooooooo :mad:

Sausage alas is still having computer problems I believe :(, I think she posted earler in the week from a smart phone (she's a techie sausage)

I haven't seen Honey around either as well as a few others :confused:

But I am sure they will be here tomorrow - stalwarts that they are :D
Hahaha Smartie i think you've been working on your social networking assignment for to long. Because your post seems to resemble a narcissistic social update :p (Please don't hurt me lol)

Yeah, says the internet stalker that followed me here :p

Anyway that wasn't just a narcissistic post, it was an M&S gloating, narcissistic post, so get it right :p
Yeah, says the internet stalker that followed me here :p

Anyway that wasn't just a narcissistic post, it was an M&S gloating, narcissistic post, so get it right :p

Hahaha! I promise to get it right next time :p And you know you appricate my stalking abilty really :cool: lol
Its amazing what a few changes can do!

Weighed in this morning & I have lost 3lbs! Im so impressed. Its amazing what a few changes can result in! My main change is going from eating museli every morning to swapping it for Weetabix & a banana! Im so happy!

How did everyone else do? xxx:)
1 lb loss for me. Its slow coming off but as long as it does come off I am happy. Fell off the diet a bit in the week with the wine so happy with this loss. Good luck to everyone else
Well done Susie - you don't have much to lose so it is likely to come off slowly. Well done though at your consistent progress.

Madkoi - great start. And you don't have much to lose either so that's brilliant.

Well, I have had the 'bumper' 'sparky sized' loss this week for my 6 month anniversary - 6lbs off for me. :bliss::thankyouthankyou:

Obviously I had my first gain last week (no regrets at all - last weekend was amazing), but even so I am thrilled.

So, as I said to Smartie - her shiny is safe for this week but she had better beware next week.......................

Good luck for everyone else.

Gail x
well done so far guys!

gail fantastic loss

it was a STS for me this week
Well done Why_d. STS is good especially as I'm not sure whether you had a bad day yesterday with your chair difficulties. You have had a really consistent start to the new year so hopefully next week will be another gain for you. Hope your chair is sorted soon.

Gail x
Hey guys, well done all, Gail that's terrific!!!

I stayed the same this week.

I'm disappointed, but not surprised. My eating has not been terribly good, although I haven’t gone off the rails either. I was dreadfully upset by someone at work, and stabbed in the back. I’ve made some unwise food choices. The thing is, I have walked my ass off all week, so I was hoping for a loss anyway, but there you go. I’ll take a STS this week, it’s maintenance, isn’t it?!

Sorry, have been feeling pretty down all week, so am a bit absent. Am determined to get my mojo back though.
Well done everyone on some great losses this week. Onwards and upwards for those who STS next week is another week.

I lost 2lbs which I am delighted with as I don't lose weight very quickly and it gets me my 1/2 stone sticker. I made a few changes like madkoi this week and didn't have cereal everyday for breakfast and didn't each as much bread. It could be down to this but whatever it is I am very happy.
Newbie to Minimins here - i hope it's ok to join you as a Sunday weigher.
After 2 weeks staying the same and getting a wee bit fed up i have lost 2lbs yippee!!!!

This site is sooooo useful as I am not at a SW club at the moment.

Tried to post a dessert recipe on a sticky thread and it won't give me the option to reply- help needed please.

Well done on all the weight loss


Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Hello fellow fine Sunday Weighers!

0.8kgs for me, which is about 1.8 pounds, so I guess that would be 2, but because I round it only shows 1 in my stats.

Got a new shiny though - isn't it sad that we turn into 8 year olds again at the thought of getting a new sticker!!

Also snuck into the next BMI number down :D

Next target - have less than 20kgs to lose!
Wooohooo! Moz is back!!!:bliss:Great to see you. Good luck with the jobhunting x

Welcome the newbies! :D

Well done the losers and STSers. Gail, are you sure you had both feet on the scales this week?! :eek: Happy half year anniversary!:bunnydance:

Happy half year anniversary to me too! Didn't go so well though :eek: I had a very good week then went to a party at my neighbours on Friday and was attacked by smirnoff ninjas. It was tragic. I couldn't eat yesterday, but could eat a quorn horse today.

LMAO at Sum's profile pic. You look like Smartie's smurfy sister :D

PS - I gained a pound.
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Morning all!

Good to hear about some bumper losses again, well done! Well done as well to the STS people... we're all on the right track, there's inevitable pit stops along the way ;)

I lost a pound this week and am really pleased about it, I think it could've been more but the G&T fairy visited last night at a friends birthday pub meal out, although I had a salad and a sensible main and no dessert (everyone else had waffles and cheesecake, there was no fruit to be had in the whole place :mad:)

I'm going to have to skip out on you next week as it's half term and me and MrSyn are off to New York! I'm the most excited I've ever been about a holiday (even my honeymoon!). I'm going to try to do loads of exercise and eat SW friendly at most mealtimes...there's a lot of health-conscious new yorkers so I'm hoping I won't be too tricky. Having said that I'm sure I won't be 100% on plan so I'm going to be extra careful this week til Friday and get straight back on 100% SW when we get back and hope for a STS overall. I'll see you guys when I get back xx
madkoi - a fabby loss for your first week, well done you :D

susienoz - another consistant loss, congratulations :)

Gail :eek: thats like a new born baby you have lost in a week!!!! And inching very close to the under 30 bmi now, another few pounds and you will be there :D You must be on about cloud 77 at the moment :)

Why_d - I read on your diary that you were having problems with your chair - yet again :( I hope you get it fixed soon :) This week may be one of those maintainence weeks as you have had some massive losses recently.

Honey - awww sorry to hear that you are having a bad time of it at the moment :( I too react badly when I am crossed by people, and instead of brushing it off, I start comfort eating. I wish I knew the answer to srop it, all I know is that the feelings do subside after a while. Well done on the walking though, you may well have lost inches rather than pounds this week :)

JackJane - yay a fabby new shiny, nothing like a shiny to stick on your book/profile to make you feel on top of the world. I got my 4.5 this week, Gail wants it but she is going to have to get her own :p

Kwise - welcome to the sunday gang, congrats on your loss this week, and i see that you too have got over the 1/2 stone point :)

Sparky, well done - you are very 'good' for rounding down, I am a rounding up person lol. I see that you have dropped nearly 10 BMI percentage points now - well done :D

Sausage - smirnoff ninja's :eek: they dont quite sound as friendly as the wine fairies do they. Well, obviously not if you were incapaciated for a day afterwards :p You'll have that pound off next week, your poor body is probably in shock after being attacked by the ninjas :D

Syn - well done on your loss and ooooh New York I am sat here all envious now, I would love to go there - have a fabby time :D
+ 1.5lb for me this week. I have been bad though so it's not a surprise. Had a really stressful week this week what with very nearly losing my job and various other things and I will admit I have turned to food a bit/ just not really stuck to plan very well.
I'm going to try to get my head in gear more this week and see how things go. I need to get back on my tablets again I think :(