A mate came round to chat about a present for another mate - and we had a bottle each oops So I do have a sore head and would love a big plate of steaming chunky fries right now - but am having salad instead
Thx guys - the salad was ok but had bad stuff for dinner Back on it tomorrow, will stick with Phase 1 for a bit and see if I can undo the damage
Quick Shirley update - I brought flea treatment and gave it the neighbour and told them how to use it or else they'd have fleas throughout their flat. I also explained that if they weren't home by 8pm I would feed Shirley because it wasn't fair to leave her waiting. They agreed to everything and all is cool. I really just thought they needed to take some responsibility - so will see how it goes.
Right lovelies I'm cream crackered so am off to Bedfordshire - nite nite xxx
Cracking loss Susie - chuffed for you I too am going to try no alcohol tonight, even though I am going out as things are going too well to put a spanner in the works - tomorrow might be different though lol.
LOL no chance of that hun Am really excited about tomorrow, going down early and having a browse around all the lovely shops in Hastings Old Town before I got the estate agent
Back home after a flying visit - then sun came out as I got on the train to come back, typical! Anyway, that's the paperwork and full survey now underway
Hi Nic - not sure if I have any of the three conditions, tbh, the symptoms covered just about everything! But whatever is going on with me, at least I responded well to Phase 1 so will keep doing it - although today has been a carby treat day.