Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Damn, my secret is out! Lol!
Morning, so what have i been missing here then? :D
I missed it too! :(

Morning all - been rushing around with a statement about the poor student who died and getting a book of remembrance, etc. Diet is well and truly out the window today - but as I keep reminding myself, it's not a race, so will be back on it tomorrow - unless it all becomes too manic this afternoon, as it may do, and then I might go to the pub and have 42 vinos...

On a happier note, am loving the hijack! :D
Morning (just) Susie... How awful to deal with a death!! Hugs xxx
Jennykndy said:
LOL you lot crack me up - Alpaca it sounds like you had a truly enchanting night and Im loving the nickname pmsl!

Jenny, I was mesmerised by his hands... Lol x
Afternoon Susie, I am with you on the TFIF - and that must be heartbreaking having to deal with something like that - vino is a must xxxxx
Maybe a couple tonight because have got a hair appointment for 11.30am tomorrow - to get it cut short! for the first time in about 20 years!

It was just too hot yesterday - anyway, time for a change :)
We will defo need pics then Susie, I need to take some of mine, it is sort of a strawberryish blonde, (ginger when wet lol) but everybody seems to quite like it - missus preferred it grey though :rolleyes:
afternoon lovely.... sorry to hear that sad news.:(
to the snooze you loose i saw it :p :D
LOL Lainey - description???

Everything has calmed down here now so am going to head out earlyish today I think, so there may be time for wine and then to bed :) Also decided on a May holiday (if my passport is back in time) to either Provence or Tuscany/Italian Riviera :)
Thanks hun - I did shed a few tears this morning, it was all very sad - and then watched the news when I got in and bawled some more at the sight of those little white coffins in Belgium...
Hugs Susie... What a week ... Hope trip to hair dresser is restful xxx pics ASAP please! Lol xx
A hair cut is like a wee holiday in itself! Enjoy it! Xx
Huge hugs!!!! It's been a horrendous week for all those poor families and people involved :(

J x

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