The past two years we have had, 28hr and 26hr power cut......arguments, sleeping I front of the fire, making dinner on the fire, trying to play scrabble without another hum.
Trev was more bothered he couldn't get internet on his phone, think everyone was using them at once or maybe the phone mast had gone down too. Couldn't even amuse ourselves with things-you-can-do-in-the-dark as he'd just got in from work and no power means no shower lol.
Lovely to be back online at home and to have wifi on the phone, so I can listen to Classic FM while I'm sipping my morning tea and gradually becoming conscious Also went to the doc this morning who confirmed it's chronic rhinitis and has started me on a cortisonesteroid spray for the old schnozz.
Had a fascinating browse on the net last night for skin care products etc that don't have parabens/SLSs in them - quite a few, as it turns out, and I managed to get some hideously expensive Nude face stuff for el cheapo on eBay
Evening all - am home, in comfy totm clothes, dosed up with life saving ibuprofen and with a chilled white wine in front of me, internet is working and all is well in my world - altogether now - ahhhhhhh