Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

300 kids sounds like a nightmare!
LOL I rang while they were rehearsing and omg it was LOUD! Agree Bren, that really was excellent delegation on my part :D

It's great though, everyone's really excited about the Queen coming - and the kids do sound fab when they sing, can't wait to hear the whole piece. We should be recording it so will post the link next week.

Quiet night planned here and early to bed, I think. Have a good evening everyone.
Afternoon all

Big sleep in here, and feel a lot better for it :) Anything to put off doing the mound of dishes that has built up!

Hope you're enjoying your Saturday xx
Evening Susie Sue ! Xxx

Hope you're having fab weekend?! Xxx
Evening all - very cozy here - Orbs and I just had a "chase the pretend mouse run around the house" game. I am covered in scratches...:)
Always worth it though :D
Morning. I dreamt about you last night! You had a brother who came to visit and was so determined to poke at Orby that she bit him lol. I simply told him that he deserved it haha.
Afternoon Susie, that was a bit of a sesh last night, between chatting to you and youtube vids luring me in, I didn't go to bed till 3 - then slept for nearly 12 hours!!!!!! Woke up really shaky, blood sugar must have been through the floor lol xxx
Afternoon all

Wow that was a late one, Bren :D However, I woke up feeling fine, just been for a yummy lunch with a couple of mates.

Spending the afternoon back on house's the same old dilemma, a 2 bed house in an area further out or a tiny 1 bed flat closer to work, for the same money...#