Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Good news is that wine seems to work well on maintenance - i am doing an experiment of one to prove it....;)
Enjoy yourself

We appreciate all your efforts Katie lol.

Yippee on Gin being unlocked, the french red and doing nothing for 4 days. x
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Morning SusieSue! Enjoy a very chilled weekend ... You so deserve it xxxx:)
OMG just got up! That was some sleep in :)

WI this morning, first time in months, and yes I've put it all back on. No one to blame but me inhaling carbs - so onwards and downwards!

So, Day 1 of Induction and I've just had 3 rashers of bacon, 2 eggs and a tblsp of leftover cabbage and leek with a slice of cheese melted over it - yum!

Chicken and Toulouse sossies cooked for later, with salad.
Afternoon Susie, wow that was a good sleep in, what time did you go to bed, I gave in at 2am and was up just after 9 this morning, milk thistle is my god lol xx
Not entirely sure, Brendle :eek:

Wish I could do the milk thistle thing, but I googled and apparently intolerance is quite common.
Will be at airport this time next week....................:eek: not even got anything out to start packing yet lol
Lots of luck Susie!!

We're all here for you every step of the way... Love you! Xxx :)
Morning all

Drizzly yucky old day here, poor Queenie, hope she doesn't get wet in the barge! :) Think I'll stay warm and dry inside and watch it with my own Royal.

B - bacon and eggs
L - chicken and salad
D - roast lamb and greens

Have a good one :)
Dishes finally done, kitchen cleaned and laundry on the go - what an exciting day I'm having :)

Watching a different Queen - Freddie Mercury live in concert (in Milton Keynes!), 1982 - classic stuff :D
Sounds as exciting as mine. Drove son to the gym and popped into Morrisons and Tesco. Having a very illegal chinese takeaway tonight. Back on plan tomorrow. :)
On my way home on the Met line from Uxbridge! Feeling a bit tired! Can't wait to get home! Lol

Have tried to keep as close to legal as possible but will have a mama lupe tortilla tonight!!! How naughty of me! Ha ha
Evening all

Hope you're home soon Di, have a day off tomorrow and rest up, sweetie!

Feeling a bit rough, had a sudden run to the loo earlier and my tum is still feeling achy :( No idea what caused it, had bacon and eggs, some pork belly slices and steamed veg..?

Anyway, sure it will be OK by tomorrow, lots of water should flush it away, hopefully.

Googling to fix my MFP percentages, and came across this website, nice sounding recipe -
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Morning all

Had some Slimatee last night and it does bring about a few walks in the park! Also had a sneaky WI and things are defo moving in the right direction :D

Not very hungry this morning, had some tea but will save up brekkie and have a nice lunch, probably eggs, mushrooms and a slice of cheese on some flax loaf.

Dinner will be chicken, probably with spinach or cabbage.

Not going out today. Just messed up Orby's flea treatment - managed to get most of it down her side where she can get at it. She absolutely hates it and hides from me for half a day afterwards (not even Dreamies will coax her out) while I freak out that she'll lick too much and be poisoned! So don't want to leave her alone.
Good luck on the eating day Susie! Sounds like you're in the K Zone... Well done! Sweetie!! Xxx