Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Thanks hun, it's only Day 3 so a bit too early for K, I think - but will be happy if I avoid the Atkins flu this time round :)
I've never really lost my appetite... My brain is so screwed up I am always able to eat!! Ha ha

Hope you have a gentle day xxx
Morning Susie, Sounds like your in the zone alright. Well done.

I'm sure little Orby will be fine, but I know what you mean.

Great link. Interestingly I eat a big bag of spinach every week and haven't had the leg pains this time, so must be the potassium. Great to know this. x
Just catching up again, and yay for things moving in the right direction! I reckon you're gonna rock it! :D

Hope your kitty's okay - is that the flea stuff you put a drop of on the back of their neck? You'd think it'd be really easy, but my mum's cat hates it and always naffs off if he gets wind it's about to happen :rolleyes: (and he always does seem to know - are cats psychic?! :eek:)
LOL Scrumbles they are psychic, I'm sure of it! It's only cause it was early in the morning that I think I took her by surprise.

Madam has had something to eat but is showing her displeasure by sitting with her back to me....
I once put the dog one on the cats. They foamed at the mouth and I had to shower them off! We used to have to lock the cat flap before doing ours. Didn't matter how casually we approached them they still knew what was coming lol.
Gin o'clock here - can't believe we have another day off!!!

Tried some Mr Porkys earlier, urggh, think I've gone off them...:(
ladyfelsham said:
Home now and with the gin unlocked (I set the alarms off when I walked in! Went bright red even though I hadn't done anything lol) - but accidentally bought some red so am sipping on a lovely one from Nimes, where I was just this time last week :sigh: Now for four days of absolutely SFA nothingness - Bring It On! :D

Might try the Slimatee as recommended by someone at work, she warned me to try it over the weekend and to "stay close to home" - apparently it has similar effects to whatever it was that Jo ate recently! :eek::D

Good god......I don't need any help in that department roflmao.......!!!!!

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ladyfelsham said:
Evening all

Hope you're home soon Di, have a day off tomorrow and rest up, sweetie!

Feeling a bit rough, had a sudden run to the loo earlier and my tum is still feeling achy :( No idea what caused it, had bacon and eggs, some pork belly slices and steamed veg..?

Anyway, sure it will be OK by tomorrow, lots of water should flush it away, hopefully.

Googling to fix my MFP percentages, and came across this website, nice sounding recipe -

The day I had my incident I'd also had quite fatty meat.....I'm thinking that may have been the culprit!!

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Fatty meat - yes, the pork belly slices could have been the culprit...

Morning all. I have a hangover the size of Wales, a bunch of peeps piled over and we drank all my gin. Ouchie ouch...also explains the earlier post :eek::D

Not sure I'm capable of making food today...can someone come and cook for me?
Oh Susie! Hope the hang over goes soon! Bren always recommends milk thistle xxx I miss her x
Alpaca said:
Oh Susie! Hope the hang over goes soon! Bren always recommends milk thistle xxx I miss her x

Me too!!!! :(

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I miss her too.

Sadly milk thistle makes me feel really unwell - a nap did the trick though :) And early to bed tonight!
I'm still here guys, not going anywhere really...............just a bit more low key xx

Has been a very very very busy but enjoyable weekend, ankle and knee still not mending so hoping my holibobs will help to sort them out, lots of rest and warmth.

Sorry for the small hijack Susie, hope HRO has forgiven you and that your hangover has subsided, and I have to say my Milk Thistle has been my saviour this weekend (again) lol.

B xxx
Hijack away sweetie, lovely to see you - and wow what a busy time you've had!

How many gigs did you make this weekend? :D

Have a wonderful time on hols xxxxxx
How many..............hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
1 on Friday
2 on Saturday
from 12.30 on Sunday till 9.30pm ish and then onto a local bar for open mic - 12 or more acts at least - an awesome day to be sure
yesterday 2 gigs, impromptu roadie/driving duties - I am now officially family :)
have done my online banking today, watching Star Trek , missus and dog snoring at side of me, aiming to do fish tank when she wakes up.
Really looking forward to holiday - there will be pics when I come back xxxx

(sorry, was that a bit loud?:p;))

I need this jubilee palaver to be over 'cos I'm fed up reading how everyone else is boozing it up and I'm as dry as the Sahara desert :rolleyes::mad: Not fair! :cry:

Seriously, I wish you better from your hangover. I had an absolute killer of one at New Year (I know...who doesn't?:p), and swore I'd never drink again, which lasted all of about two weeks :rolleyes:, but I haven't been anywhere near as wasted since, so maybe I did learn something!

Good to see you're sticking to the legal food - that's the most important thing right now, to re-establish those clean and green eating habits. Keep it up! :D