Lol on the thermomix Susie, bet you get one!
My DD were supposed to be 382, but I can't go that low. The book said just go with what you can deal with. I just read the book and he says you don't have to eat all your calories on UP days, I thought you had to as well? It just says not to overeat, which I did a few times. Maybe will have a look at reigning it in next week lol.
Some of the things I eat on DD are stir fry, prawns and rice, soups, wheat free crispbread and laughing cow cheese, veggie sausages and brown irish soda bread, low carb tortilla, wraps and bread for sandwiches and pizzas etc. I'm putting my mfp link onto my avatar (apparently something new on mins) so you can click on and see what I've been eating and my calorie and stats. I started JUDD on June 11th. No wine since then, but I have had crisps.
Hmmm don't know if the social network link is working Susie, but on mfp I'm sammycat1 Could have sworn I just clicked on it and it came up a 35 year old male lol.