Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Thx ladies :)

The courgette soup is ruined by the addition of spinach - so back to the original recipe there! :)

Actually, not liking the cold soup at all. There is a microwave here, hidden away in an office, but I have to smile sweetly to use it.
Am just in the mood for cozy soup !! Xx
Thx ladies :)

The courgette soup is ruined by the addition of spinach - so back to the original recipe there! :)

Actually, not liking the cold soup at all. There is a microwave here, hidden away in an office, but I have to smile sweetly to use it.

I can't abide cold soup, so I'm not envying you right now :p

Mind you, my hot soup is nothing to write home about either :(. Onion, tomato, courgette, garlic and carrot with a pinch of mixed herbs and a dash of worcester sauce. Thought it would be quite tasty, but it really isn't. Ho hum.

How many hours till Saturday?....:rolleyes::cool:
Did the spinach make it too watery? I thought about adding some in, but I'll leave it out.

Bought tons of courgettes yesterday now to get a zoodle. Forgot all about carrot soup, I'll add that to my DD menu. :)
Yep Val it was too watery and just too....gritty. Also not a nice taste.

The courgettes on their own taste lovely, so a lesson learned there - I ended up tipping 4/5 of it out - but that means more cals for tonight :D

PS - don't die of shock but I actually got those ebooks to the post office for you this afternoon :)
Evening lovely Susie, do you like celery? I love celery soup, just a veg or chicken stock pot and a head of celery chopped, boiled and whizzed, yum, and it is a good diuretic too xx
Ewww on the gritty soup. Look forward to getting the ebooks, thanks Susie.

I love celery and will make celery soup tomorrow for my DD.

Have a lovely UP day. x
Morning Susie! Xxx

Hope you manage to get a restful day. Xxx
Hello all :)

Woke up early, weighed in, then cup of tea and back to bed until 11am! Phew, what a sleep in....

I decided to do WI today, am actually only on Day 6 but fancy a weekend of UDs - and am happy to report that I'm down 10lbs! Really, really pleased with that, especially after the UDs I've had - but the feast/famine concept does seem to be working for me so far

Observations about the week -

- I feel really good about this approach because of the amount of veg I've been having on DDs, and because most of what I'm eating has been made by my own fair hands (that's me on my "no salt, no preservatives or additives" bandwagon again lol)

- normally I'd just shovel food in at any old time, and still did that a bit on UDs - but on DDs I made myself not eat until I was really hungry. I think it was partly because I was scared about running out of food and being ravenously hungry - but when I felt peckish I had a few mouthfuls of soup, then stopped, and it was enough to fill me up - so I am definitely a grazer and not a 3 meals a day person!

- I definitely get hungrier in the evening, so learned to keep cals back on DDs so I could eat more then

- thick soups are definitely the way forward forward for me, they feel substantial - and thanks for the suggestion of celery soup, Brendle - will give it a go next week

- it's true that you know you can have anything on UDs - but with a couple of exceptions (my old enemy, the sausage roll!) I ate pretty low carb and with lots of veg

- UD lessons - I have two bad habits - when I buy lunch I have the tendency to buy too much, and then I eat it all, even though I'm not hungry. These are old habits, but I know I can break them over time :D

- In the entire week, I didn't once feel like sabotaging myself. I was focused on the DDs, probably because it was only for a day, and on UDs I didn't go completely mad.

I don't know, lovies, it is just early days, but the swing principle might just be the way forward for me to outsmart my brain and get some poundage off! :D

Anyway, here it is, nearly midday and I'm still not hungry - will be later though :)

L - omelette, I think, with mushies
D - really not sure - maybe have a glass of red though :)

Have a great day! xxx
Blinking marvellous Susie!!! You rock !! That's a huge amount to lose - you must be as chuffed as punch ... Xxxx

I really do fancy trying an Atkins version of up and down ... Will ponder further...

Have a relaxing day sweetness xxxx
Wow, Susie! 10lbs?! :eek: That's fan-flipping-tastic! So, so pleased for you :D

IMO being able to handle the down days is the key to this, and clearly you can.

I think you're gonna rock this, Susie!:party0011:
Wow well done Susie!!! That is a fab loss....

And yes, am Atkins approach to JUDD does sound interesting as I always lose more in the week after a high carb day followed by cutting right back!

So maybe I'm already doing it kind of?

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Thanks you lovely lot, aren't you wonderful! xxx

I suspect some is water loss, and some is just because I've got so much to lose - but will gratefully take all losses :D

Am stuffed, just had egg, bacon and cheese on toast omg :D Think that will well and truly keep me going until teatime!
Brilliant brilliant loss Susie. You've handled it so well and I'm sure it can only get easier. Onward and downward!
Been having a lovely time googling recipes :)

Soups for next week - pea; carrot and orange (Tesco do a 5cal per 100g no added sugar orange juice :)); and cream of celery with Philly extra light mmm.

Also found Tesco finest do a bottled pearl salad potato for 43cals per 100g - so will help to bulk out some of the recipes, like leek.

Also found a yoghurt called Pakeeza Henna (I know, weird name) for 42 cals per 100g, so will be lovely with berries :)

And last but not least, i do love a bit of a crunch at the end of the day, and found Ryvita crackerbread for 19cals per slice - lovely jubbly! :D
Wow Susie, 10lbs!! that's absolutely wonderful. Your skinny gene is well and truly activated. Great observations too.

I agree soup is the way forward on a DD.

Today I've stuffed myself at breakfast and lunch. Think dinner will be very light w/maybe a glass of wine or two. Oh and a mini scone w/jam and clotted cream yippee.

Have a great weekend. x
Morning...oops, afternoon all :)

Had a real knees up with some mates last night, been ages since I saw them so it was lovely to catch up.

Well and truly used up all my UD cals though - but so fab to have the option to do that! :D

Another UD today, and will have a full English soon, then get soups ready for tomorrow, with some Morse watching as well :)
Brilliant Susie, it's always great to let your hair down without feeling you've gone off plan!!

I'm experimenting today with Almond flour.....first it's going to be Yorkshire puds!!!

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Been a bit of a naughty day here (ice cream, just the ticket for a sore head) - but back to DD tomorrow.

Will be interesting to see how last night and today stack up come next WI...

About to have chicken curry - minus the rice, of course, and anyway I just don't fancy it these days :)