Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Sounds like your having a blast on your plan Susie!!!

I need to curb my portions this week as they are getting bigger :/

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Wow Susie... Such great research!! You are certainly in the groove! I'll plod along on Atkins for another week and then decide... Although I'm out 3 evenings this week and there will defo be alcohol on at least one - so maybe no decision this week! Xxx
Morning gorgeous shrinking Susie! Hope you have a fab day/week x x
Afternoon all

Only just out of bed after another mammoth sleep in, don't know why I'm so tired :) I was going to do some work today but thought "Nup" - if they don't want to pay me then I'm going to have a full day off. It'll mean I'm massively behind, but hey ho, I'm going to have to develop a non guilt complex about work!

DD today, so courgette soup will be on the menu, then maybe a wrap with sossies and salad later.
Afternoon Susie, I could have killed for a lie-in today, don't think I actually slept last night, it was more an alcohol induced coma!!! Shouldn't do it on a Sunday really.............hope you have a nice relaxing day today xxx
Oh poor love - but there is something about Sundays that make me go crazy too! :) Hope you get some nurofen into you xxx

Am cracking into a bowl of soup, it's really delish - might put in a little chilli in the next bowl :)
Yep hun they are - I've been trying to avoid all the low fat nasties but the Weight Watchers ones sneaked in to the fridge. They're 60 cals each.

I do also like Tesco cooked ham slices, they're 12 cals each, nice with Philly :)

Reporting back on the chilli - don't do it, the sweeter the courgette tastes, the nicer it is :)
Ahhh, right...gotcha! That's about half the cals of the Sainsbury's Toulouse sossies I buy, and I'd normally eat about 3 of those :eek:.

I will maybe have to look into one or two low fat options, just to keep things a bit more interesting, you understand...:cool:
Isn't it an UP day for you today Susie? Or did you do the intermediate day thingy? Great to know about the sausages.

UP for me today and big salad bar at garden center. Can hardly walk but about to shred. :)
Hello babes, its a DD - I did tw3o UDs on the weekend so I could keep my DDs to the same days of the week and keep myself on track.

So -DDs are M, W F - and because I don't work Monday it means I only have to take food to work twice a week :)

I'm not sure how IDs work, do you know?

The salad sounds good :)
Think I'm going to do that too Susie, I like the idea of M W Fri DD and definitely love a Saturday UP.

In the book he addresses this by saying to make Sat and Sun both UP days or to make Sunday an in between day. Here is quote ' Another strategy is to make Sunday an 'in-between' day, meaning that you still restrict to some extent but eat more that you would on a DD. I may try it this weekend?

I'll watch your progress and follow lol.

Salad was good, but very filling and I'm finding I'm not hungry for my dinner. Will eat something though. :)
That sounds like a great plan - I don't like two UDs in a row, so will follow your plan :)

Does that mean you'll be doing WI on Saturday like me? xx

Good grief it's July and I've just had to turn the heating on! About to have a ham and cheese sandwich - but with lettuce instead of bread and half fat cheese slices, or maybe Philly :) One big piece of lettuce, two slices of ham, half a small philly tub - 50 cals :)
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You're going so well Susie... It defo sounds like this woe suits you! Xx
I don't dare WI after an UP day I'm down right terrified of it. I also have several rituals before I WI, sick pup that I am. :)

Prob WI on Sunday and be good this weekend and have an in between day on Sunday. x
Hey all

Just found this fab site, they do shirataki noodles, but also "rice" and fettuccine - no carbs and virtually no cals!

Plus you can download a free recipe book - Shirataki MiracleNoodle Shop!

I've ordered a variety pack - they are more £ than LCM but free shipping - and more variety :)
Ooo... Sounds interesting Susie! Let me know how you get on with it xxx
I don't like most of the thicker variants of the noodles personally, but I bet the rice will be great for bulking out soup.