Evening lovelies!!!!!
I had an amazing time, saw some great sights, did way too much shopping on frivolous but completely essential things, got a tan and had lots of important thinking time. Really good crowd on the coach, and the drivers (a married couple) were lovely - often the drivers don't eat or mix with the passengers, but our two couldn't have been more different - so we spent a lot of time relaxing with them. We had some great laughs, including getting lost in Monte Carlo, and a few of us are talking about going to Croatia together next year.
I had one gelato, ate bread and pasta every day but somehow only managed to put one pound on! Was guzzling water like nobody's business - it was SO hot, 35-43, and one day I managed 4 1/2 litres - Vicki would be proud of me

Also didn't drink red wine (too hot), but had my fair share of limoncello and white wine - so I expect it is down to water loss and walking. Lots of walking - even staggered up 150 steps to a castle ruin in Dolceacqua one exceedingly steamy day. I looked immaculate at the top (not), as you can imagine!
So, great time had - but it's always nice to come home to El Rancho Felsham
Poor Orby was in the wars, got bitten a couple of days ago by the Nasty Bullyboy Stalker tabby and the wonderful house sitter took her to the vet today because it was abscessing - but Orby was a good girl, took her injection like a little trouper and will be on the mend in no time. I will have fun and games getting the tablets down her, but I'm just so relieved she will be OK. The vet (who fell in love with her and vice versa) said she was in great condition, coat all good, teeth fine, etc, but I have to go easy on feeding her Dreamies
Also got the job quandary sorted. I had a good hard think about what it is that I really want - you know me, I've been going on about security and stability for ages - so am going to apply for the job and hope I get it - and then negotiate afterwards on working from home and moonlighting, etc.
So - happy days, Glass of red in hand - because there is no sun here....and next mission is to put an electric catflap in - and find Orbit a safer home!
Incidentally, I missed you all terribly! Going to catch up on the news now, but post here if I've missed anything REALLY juicy
