Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Taste sensation alert - just had an Atkins Endulge choc coconut bar (3 carbs) and I swear I couldn't tell the difference between that and a Bounty bar. I know they're more expensive - but I think it's worth it for the savings in carbs :) (Bought from LCM)
Taste sensation alert - just had an Atkins Endulge choc coconut bar (3 carbs) and I swear I couldn't tell the difference between that and a Bounty bar. I know they're more expensive - but I think it's worth it for the savings in carbs :) (Bought from LCM)

Like the milk :yuk: or dark chocolate :17729:bountys??

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm better not buy any of those then lol xx

Me neither especially if they're like dark ones! :rolleyes:
Naughty naughty thread with naughty talk alert!!!!!! And Susie's at the centre of it! :eek: I just got those huge Atkins choc and orange bars for the first time yesterday. Too too nice.

Hi Susie, glad you had a nice day and that transport worked for you this time - honestly, those bus drivers and their unscheduled changes of route! Kuh!

I did a lot of running about again, but got loads of things sorted which I had been putting off for weeks, so all good. Visited my mum too - hadn't seen her since before christmas, so that's my duty done for now.
Ooh choccie sounds good - definitely a naughty thread! :)
Night Susie!
morning :)
have you risen like a lark this morning ;)
pmsl. I cant decide on the snug rug, snug blanket or the slanket PMSL
Morning Susie! I haven't watched Lark Rise yet, recorded it on Sky+ last night. DH is off to the States tomorrow with work so I'll have control of the TV for 4 nights - YAY! I have watch Upstairs Downstairs too as I haven't watched it yet.
Oh Upstairs downstairs is fab. not sure on lark rise though Nic!
you can get 'em for between 15 and 20 quid.