Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Hi babe

I sabotaged myself a bit by napping yesterday afternoon (oops), so slept at 2am, awake at 6am (thanks to upstairs again grr) and back out for a couple more hours - heigh ho these things happen! Thx for asking, though :)

Really looking forward to this weekend - seeing my friend this afternoon for the first time in months and, as you predict, we are sure to have a very good chinwag (as they say in Oz).

Then a quiet night tonight, then my lovely foot doctor (chiropodist) - who is also now a good friend - is coming by tomorrow :)

What are you up to?

Hi Susie, hope you have a great afternoon yakking!

I know what you mean about naps - i've discovered that if I'm tired enough & I have only 45 mins before about 4pm then I can still get to sleep at night. Any later or longer is a bit of a disaster!
Well, what a day! Managed to do lots of stuff (take library books back, yada yada), then also managed - with my usual skill - to get on the wrong bus to meet my friend - and ended up miles away, over the other side of the river...! Navigation was never my strong suit :eek:

So we've re-arranged for tomorrow. What a forgiving friend she is :D
LOL Susie! at least you have something to look forward to tomorrow x
Nooooooooo Susie, has your phone not got sat-nav? Not that that would help on a bus unless you were driving it :) Hope you get there tomorrow xxxx
Oh no! Hope tomorrow works out better!
Susie you are the best! I wish you were my friend. I can just imagine the phone conversation explaining that one...

Who's getting you to Brum in March BTW? (She asked dead nonchalantly). :eek:
Morning lovelies

LMAO Water - can you believe I used to work for the RAC? Drove to Birmingham via Bristol once :eek: so you will be relieved to know I'm letting the train take the strain in March :D

Lovely day here, blue skies for the first time in a week or more!
Morning! Yea blue skies and sunshine :). Now what to do with it? Have fun today
Morning Suse... beautiful here too!

Have a fab sunday... wherever you may end up. xx
LOL thx ladies, I'm sorted re public transport today :)

Had lovely dreams last night about Rufus Sewell after watching Zen (on catch up) - OMG he is gorgeous!

What you up to today?
Zen's fab isn't it... will be watching that laters!

Jakey has football for an hour & a half this morning, am hoping Paul will take Amalie & I can get on. Going for a walk on the forest & get Jacob out on his new bike on the green, poor boy hasn't been on it since he got it for Christmas!

Oh & the usual on going toy sortying playroom decluttering project will be continuing!
Afternoon all

Had a lovely catch up with my mate, and also a lovely catch up with my chiropodist friend Jon - so lots of gossip and beautiful feet too :)

Now just got some laundry to sort out, then it may well be gin o'clock and a bit of tellie :)
oh dont say Gin o clock. i was wanting wine o clock but my kidney started hurting yesterday and is still hurting so id best stick to water and coffee :)
glad you had nice time honeyx
Someone had to mention alcohol didn't they!! Im sitting on my bed watching eat pray love and just opened a bottle of Pinot ;) I got 3/4 of the way through the book on holiday but didn't get back to it once we got home.
lol aww stop it. :( yes ta. well ive had 2 1/2 litres of water going to make dinner now. want wine :(
Then I think you should have some - you've done loads of walking this weekend, are completely up to date with the housework and had lots of water to keep the kidneys squeaky clean :)
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