Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Hey Miss Susie. x
Hi Susie, looks like i missed the wine night lol :)

Anyhow, just waiting for DD to go to sleep so we can watch first of new series mentalist - is that what you were watching? Usually love it - sometimes its complete rubbish!

Ooh - only a week :D
Morning all! Sorry I didn't have a chance to get on here yesterday, another busy day (complete with a VIP tour of the Olympic Park - amazing!) then pub with some friends last night. Having a luxurious relaxed weekend, lots of food, TV and sleep planned yaye!

How's everyone? xxx
Morning. Ooh how exciting to have been to the Olympic park. I hope that's gonna be lots of legal food missy! A busy working week really makes you appreciate the weekend doesn't it. I'm having a lazy morning then need to food shop. Nothing planned for tomorrow. Will see what the weather is like.
Yes hun it will be legal, not much choice actually I don't keep carby stuff in the house at all to avoid temptation - it's only when I cross the threshold and go out into the world that I get in trouble :)

Must go and make brekkie, I am starving!
Phew! I was gonna ask about the food too - suspicious lot, aren't we? Hope you have a lovely chilled weekend Susie.

We have a friend's child over at the minute and everyone is playing nicely. Pork belly in the oven, will be ready to be demolished in abut half an hour - we get the big ones from M&S in the vain hope of getting two meals out of it, but none has ever made it to the fridge. Scarily yummy thing is pork belly. :eek:
Omg I know. I never have more calories than I do on pork belly days. I could eat a whole one myself.

The trip round the olympic park sounds amazing, Susie. I go to a sports college and there are a lot of opportunities to work at the games being posted at the minute but I'm not sure about planning that far ahead. We're going to be one of the official training grounds though so I'll be able to snoop.
Thx all, felt a bit flu-ey so have just emerged from a 10 :eek: hour sleep, and feel loads better.

Today's project is trying to find a cheap-ish iPhone on eBay, mine has been playing up bigtime since I dropped it. Can't get a contract upgrade until August and I can't cope with having to reboot it 10 times a day until then!

Also cooking for the week and using everything up in the fridge.

Five sleeps to go! :D
Sausages - cooked
Pork belly strips - cooked
Meat loaf - in oven (have experimented, using four eggs, last one was a bit dry, and spinach and chilli flakes)
Flaxseed flapjack experiment - in fridge
Chicken pieces - about to fry in mandarin oil ready for salad for tomorrow
Mince ready to fry up with chilli flakes and cabbage

So that's dinner sorted - haha just kidding. That's my meals for the next three days, phew!
cor you have been busy lover :) let us know re the flapjacks
Ive never tried pork belly although I have just done a rather adventurous shop online for Tesco and have ordered all number of weird and wonderful meats. Ill try anything once.
Flapjack report - remind me of a fudge coloured polenta cake, quite bland in taste not as sweet as I thought it would be, so if you have a sweet tooth, maybe add some splenda? Might benefit from some vanilla essence too?

But as the whole thing was 0.7 carbs, and I've only had two bits out of 6, not bad for Induction!

Can't get over how versatile flax is!
Love those mega-cooking sessions you do Susie - saves you coming home every night and having to cook again - I really begrudge that when I'm tired. What went in the flapjack apart from flax?

We've had a lovely day here - we all went to a park this morning, and I ran along the canal towpathwhile they played in the playpark. Spring is springing! Then off to B&Q this afternoon for curtain poles, Toys R Us for the children to spend their pocket money, and home for a nice dinner (shortly).
Yes- flax flapjack recipe please! Sounds like a good cooking sesh
Hope your ebay search successful?
Have a good week and see you very very soon :eek:
Flapjack recipe -

- 100g golden linseed, ground
- 75 g melted butter
- 3-4 tblsp no carb maple syrup
- big dollop ginger and cinnamon

Mix up and push into small plastic dish and then in the fridge for several hours. Think it might be nice with cream over it?

OMG have just realised that it could be a brilliant cheesecake base! I think I have some soft cheese so may even give it a go tonight!!!

Re eBay, am going to hold off buying a new iPhone, they're going for £250+ - so will try another company and see what they say about repairing my existing one.

The cooking session has worked out well today, and I like the mince loaf with spinach in it - and it will be especially nice with some Dijon on it :) Everything's in the fridge for lunches for next week, so might be lazy chicken curry tonight - fry the chicken pieces, take off the heat, sprinkle two dessertspoons of medium curry powder over and coat the pieces well, serve over two handfuls of iceberg lettuce and add a huge squirt of mayo - nom nom nom.

Hope you all have a lovely night.
Cheat's cheesecake - I've put it on the recipe thread - yummy!

Cheesecake is my weakness - so glad I've found a low carb alternative that doesn't require mucking about. I feel like I've discovered fire :D

Going to try a lime one next week :)