Gold Member
I already had a nike app buy its only showing workouts. What's the one you have called? x
Morning SweetiesHow is everyone today? X
GoodMany plans for today? X
Gym at 9:30am-Kettlercise class
I must pop in to work and get bits done too. Nothing exciting, you? X
Breakfast looks super healthy!!! X
Sounds nice and productiveWI then Physio then off on our Road Trip, yey! X
My food plan for today:
1 hour gym
Cashew nuts
Sweet onion ryvita with laughing cow triangles x4
Sweet chilli chicken wraps with piri piri sweet potato chips
Mmmmm Yummy! Those Sweet Onion Ryvita sound delicious! X
I usually buy sesame and haven't had them yet... I'll let u know! I have the blue cheese laughing cow so hopefully they'll go well together x