Tanya's Refeed Diary!! ~* Back On TFR *~

:giggle: well .... sneaked my own to save on the pennies! Just bought diet coke and poured me own vodka in! lol my mate had the free wine and champers - she had my free bottle and hers lol!!!!!
Nice one ;) xx
WI day

so weighed myself this morning and have lost 3lbs - only 4 to go and then im back in 12s :)

Today has been a 'treat' day - i had a slice of toast for brekkie, 2 wholemeal rolls with chicken tikka low fat sandwich filler and a packet of french fries and a home made choc chip muffin for lunch and for tea i duno what to have ..... chicken :drool: probably :)

Am going to have 2 shakes and 1 meal a day now untill this holiday weight is gone as its beginning to get me down :sigh: im such a fool for munching too much but hey ho!

Still, no 'bad' carbs from tomorrow onwards :)
Well done on your loss hon!! Be careful of those treat days though wontcha (says she ;)!)xx
:sigh: well i then had 4 fox's butter biscuits at 50cals each and then chow mein, not from the chinese it was in a packet in my freezer just 300cals

So, bit of a bad day and have learnt i can't have 'treat' days and be good. So i wont be having one again untill am at target! :D
And then only now and again!!!! xx
indeed!! :)
These lovely evenings have a lot to answer for ..... We have a pub on the sea front just down the road. It's your duty when it's nice to go and sit at the outside tables imbibing a quoif or two ;) .... trouble is one thing leads to another ...... **big sigh** xxx

(PS ... this evening was so 'lovely' - I sat shivering with DH's jacket round me ... LOL!!) xx
Day 8 Back on track

So am starting 2 shakes and 1 meal today as this holiday weight is getting me down an i wana be back in the 12stones :)

B - LT Shake (141 calories)

L - LT Maintainence Soup & 4 slices of turkey (201 calories)

D - Chicken breast stuffed with red onion, fresh basil finely chopped and fresh garlic finely chopped, baked with a tbsp lemon juice and sprinkling of pepper :drool: and cooked mixed veg.

Low fat yogurt.
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Good luck Tanya, you will soon have that holiday weight shifted hun, if anyone can do it - YOU CAN.

Glad you had a good time at the ball, I haven't been on for nearly a week, so just catching up with all the threads now.
What's the Maintainence Soup like Tanya?
What's the Maintainence Soup like Tanya?

It's nice! :) Much much much better than the tfr soup and it actually tastes like its meant to - vegetable soup! Am having it again today for tea :)
Good luck Tanya, you will soon have that holiday weight shifted hun, if anyone can do it - YOU CAN.

Oh i hope you are right mary!

All i ask is to get to pre holiday weight of 12st 10 just 8lbs to go :sigh: before i go away again! anything under 12.10 will be a bonus!! ;)
Day 9 Back on track

So Today:

B - LT Shake (141 calories)

L - Tuna and sweetcorn salad (227 calories)
Small Apple (50 calories)

D - LT Maintainence soup (117 calories)

* 1 packet of softmints (170 calories)

How bad is that? me munching a while tube of softmints :sigh: nevermind, cant undo it now can i!

Decided to have my meal at lunch time today as last night i felt quite 'heavy' when it came to bed time and as i go to bed quite early i dont wana be sleeping on food.

Today is a good day i think! Got all my bfs birthday pressies sorted for sunday, got me a new outfit to wear to the next works boat party on the 1st and am also guna wear it to the jamie oliver restaurant - pics below :)
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I LOVE!!!! my new shoes! love em that much im not taking em off my feet for the rest of the day ... what a site - in me pjs with some killer shoes on! :rotflmao:


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It's nice! :) Much much much better than the tfr soup and it actually tastes like its meant to - vegetable soup! Am having it again today for tea :)

I actually like the LT soup lol i do look forward to it at lunch in work haha sad or what :)

mmm dying to try the maintenance one so.. sounds lovely :)

You seem to be doing great on it, well done... loving the dress and the shoes too :):)
thanks nm :)

i too loved the LT soup i had it once a day everyday for a few weeks then one day i just didnt like it anymore and couldnt even stand the smell of it :giggle:
:giggle: they are hot aint they!!!!! Ya know before LT i would have never bought shoes like that cuz a) i wouldnt be able to balance properly as i was too heavy and b) they would no way do up around my ankle and i wouldnt have even gotten my foot in them! Thank you LT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p lol
Day 10 Back on track

B - LT Shake (141 calories)

L - Egg and Ham salad (359 calories)

D - LT Shake (141 calories)

* 1 packet softmints (170 calories)
* 1 small apple (50 calories)

Am making choc chip muffins today as requested by the mother! So this will be a test! Although, if i cooked all that i did on TFR and not touched one bit of it im sure i can do it now! :)

Am also off to the gym tomorrow straight from work :eek: first time in god knows how many years!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To top my day off i've managed to misplace £20 i cant find it for the life of me ...... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I caved, i had a snack - a small apple :sigh: Didnt touch any of the muffin mixture, not even 1 tiny chocolate chip, they are now cooling ready to be boxed up - heck i even took the dog for a walk to get away from them! :giggle:
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