Tanya's Refeed Diary!! ~* Back On TFR *~

Fanks girls!

Didnt feel too healthy yesterday scots, all that nit picking i did :sigh: lol
You look FAB!! Glad you had a good night!

We're off to a christening today (2 of my grandchildren) but won't post any pics because I'm wearing what I wore for the Liverpool meet the other week, so that would be boring :)
Might post one of the kids tho' ;) :) xx
post it jan!!! :D
Took this on friday after being inspired by Bev i thought i'll try it! :giggle:
I am almost in one leg of my old jeans! If it wasnt for my damn calfs being so big! lol


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    Boat Party 001.jpg
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Love the pic Tanya. Amazing to think we used to fill all of those trousers!!

You look fanstastic in the blue dress pics, really stunning.
Thanks bev :)

Sunday 2nd Aug

B - slice toast with jam & a sausage sarnie :eek:

L - 4 rough oatcakes with some brie (oops fattening right?) and a packet of sainsburys bgty soya and potato snacks (paprika - only 97cals a bag)

D - roast!!! chicken, 3 small boiled pots, runner beans and cauliflower. Chicken gravy.

*bowl of homemade fruit salad (apple, nectarine, raspeberries, strawberries, red & green graps, a clemintine. With pineapple & mango juice) made a big bowl for the family so dont think i ate all that :giggle:
*half a slice of dominos pizza


Monday 3rd Aug

B - Maint bar

L - 2 slices of bread with ex light mayo, 1 pack of mini cheddars salt and vinegar made to a sandwich. Cheese triangle & apple.

D - brown pasta with light bolognaise sauce mixed through with grilled sausages cut up and mixed through too.

*special k bar
*bowl of fruit salad

Tomorrow and for the rest of the week will be no bread, pastas etc although mary you might be proud at this one .... i bought some Jordans crunchy oats with raisins,almonds and honey for breakfast. full of carbs :S 252cals a bowl with semi skimmed milk and 36.7g carbs .... Am going to have a bowl tomorrow for lunch :)
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L - 4 rough oatcakes with some brie (oops fattening right?)

Nothing's 'fattening' eaten in moderation. EVERYTHING's fattening if you eat enough .... yes even lettuce if you're physically capable of eating enough ;) xx
hmmmm really jan? lettuce fattening? lol
Well okay - you'd have to eat a couple of skip loads at one session :) Lol - just trying to make a point :p xx

I really have to be so good tues, wed, thur, fri in prep for a weekend away. hopefully i can make sensible choices :sigh:
You look fantastic!! well done, you probably wont remember me but I lost 3 stone with LT before going to Florida in May, in this short time I ve gained all my weight!!! I just lost control. I go away with my mum and dad in two weeks and have an exam just before I go so not sure wether to start back on LT now or wait till after my hols when I know I can give it 100%. Keep up the good work hun you are an inspriation unlike me who feels like a complete failure!!!!!
Hey honey - yeah i remember you!! :)
You have put all the weight back on? :( You aren't a complete failure, eating again is the hardest part of it. Personally if i were you i'd wait untill after your holiday as you dont wana cheat whilst away and fall into a nasty cycle. x
love the pics tanya, I cannot eat the special K bars they give me a sugar rush for some reason and then I find I want to pick the rest of the day, its strange how we are all different. Like Jan's says we have to do what suits us. My typical day is porridge made with milk and water with blueberries, lunch ryvitia with extra light philly, and fruit. For tea I have chicken, salad, or fish, or omelette, and the odd portion of pasta or rice, still not eating much bread though.
Your menu sounds good joy - im trying not to have too many breads an stuff either, although these past couple of days ive had a carb 'binge' lol
Tuesday 4th August

B - Apple & Banana

*packet of peanuts
*packet of beef hula hoops
(munching in my breaks at work, how i got so fat in the first place :cry:)

L - 5 rough oat cakes, 4 with tuna mixed with a little ex light mayo and cucumber and one with philadelphia and cucumber. 1 tomatoe quartered and a low fat yog.

*10 haribo starmix sweeties

D - jordans crunchy oats cereal

What the hell is wrong with me? :doh:

All i want to do is eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and yep, eat!

Can't seem to rein myself back in i seem to have fallen off the track and rolled too far away for me to grab onto again :mad:

I was so disspointed at myself for munching that crap in my breaks at work ... today i have felt like i have fallen back into my old eating habits - mind you though, today compared to a day when i was fatter is nothing believe me! :sigh:

On a good note, my grandma and grandad gave me my birthday pressie early, they got me my very own table top fridge so now i can have my own fridge stuff in my room and when my brothers home my fridge stuff isn't made homeless! :giggle:
Aww.. Tanya- is that all you had for breakfast? No wonder you were snacking on cr*p!! The apple & banana should've been your snacks!!
I have some packs of low-fat flavoured cassava snacks (like mini rice cakes?)- I'm not sure if you can get them in the UK? They're only 83 cals per bag and a great crisp substitute? Get a big bag of unsalted nuts from sainsburys/h&b and fill a little tupperware dish with them for snack 'emergencies'.
I know it sounds weird- but I don't think you're eating nearly enough- thats why you're snacking? Could you do a rough cal count of what you've had today?
You really should try to have some sort of protein at every meal- it'll help keep you on track? The tuna is great, but you need to have something like that at every meal or the picking will get out of hand? (I know!)
Hi Tanya

Dont start munching sweetie!! Me thinks you are still not eating enough - I am sure Mary and Jan will tell ya off for it!!!

I reckon that is why you are nibbling away at the wrong things!!! Peanuts!!!!! I havent been to the Turkish shop yet, but I did promise you that I would get you some chick peas...should be going within the next week or so! They are better for you :)

I think you need to do yourself some menus and now you have your little fridge, sort out your lunches, snacks, etc...and put them in one of those cool bags and take to work with you. If you dont nip it in the bud now, your palate will re-awaken and you will just crave more and more of the naughty things...

Ok for me to say, I know, still on LT, but I look up to you! I need you to be strong ;-) You are doing so well, but at least you are being so honest and open about what you are having. Fair play to you on that score.

Anyway, hope you are having a good day and get that determination back :)

Take care
Me thinks you are still not eating enough
Great minds....:p
I think you need to do yourself some menus and now you have your little fridge, sort out your lunches, snacks, etc...and put them in one of those cool bags and take to work with you.
Definately a good plan!

You can get canned chickpeas in most supermarkets- I love them in salads. I also rinse them and dry-roast them in the oven for a 'nut' type snack.
cal count so far irish is roughly 1254 ... still got dinner to go which will take me to around 1500.

I think i might take my cereal to work, in a little tubbawear box and 250ml of milk in a beaker and then i can have that in a break - shouldnt take me longer that 10mins to eat that.

Think tomorrow i will take a banana to have first thing, cereal for 9:40 ... lunch salmon and veg and then dinner probably soup with kidney beans.

I just cant seem to stop thinking about food :(
Am sat in bed now betting on the horse racing and watching it on tv .. kind of keeping my mind off food but still i cant keep betting just to stop thinking about food :giggle:
cal count so far irish is roughly 1254 ... still got dinner to go which will take me to around 1500.
Think how many you 'wasted' on the nuts & crisps though? You could've had a piece of chicken or fish and a plate of veg for the same amount!
Okay...mini-lecture over- I'm no saint either so can't be a pot or kettle here! LOL! I think planning ahead will be the key for you. Make up a 'snack-pack' of stuff thats healthy-ish so you're not tempted by the vending machines?
You CAN do it!!!