Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Sounds good to me Taz x
Sooo I went to Aquafit this morning! It was a very busy class and I didn't know I should have booked in advance. Luckily there were still 3 places left so I got in :D It went really well, there were some moves that were a little painful so I just didn't do them or modified them so it was ok. It felt good to finally get some exercise and I will definitely be doing more of it
YAY Taz - Great that you can do it x
I've just booked up 2 more sessions for next week but one is after my appointment with my surgeon so I may have to cancel that one if I'm in too much pain after
Attempted a lie in this morning and made it to 7am. Nights are still a little uncomfortable and I wake everytime I move. I am really looking forward to the pain going so I can have a really good night sleep and a lie in!

I have my 1-1 assessment with a physio today for the exercise group as part of my rehab. I think today she will set me some exercises and I can attend the group 3 times a week to do the exercises with physios present. Hopefully that and the aquafit will speed up the recovery a bit
It should do Taz - good luck with the assessment x
Assessment went well. I have a program for when I attend the sessions at the gym. Some of it involves using the equipment at the gym where the classes are held. I also heard that while we are there we are allowed to use the sauna they have there! I will check up on that one ;) I am booked in for 2 sessions next week. I told her I'd tried aquafit and she was pleased and wants me to continue with it if I can :D
Sounds brilliant Taz - things are moving on for you at last - you'll soon be up and running....... well, maybe not running but back to something nearer normal xxx
You're getting there and you will make it happen x
Evening all! Well I've just had my first session at the exercise group and by the end of it my knee was crunching so I had to cut the last exercise short and start with that particular one next time. It was all good though, I actually feel like I've had a work out even though it was all specific to my knee! I'm going again on Thursday then hopefully get some more sessions next week.

The gym where my exercise group is held is horrible. It's a local branch of a large chain and it's not a gym I would ever go into to work out in any other circumstances. It's got row after row of machines and the people on them are like a robot army. Half of the wall in front of the rows of machines is mirrored so the vain ones can position themselves accordingly. There are personal trainers everywhere working out individuals, some of which are a little scary! It is a typical stereotypical gym; intimidating, full of super-fit's, uninspiring.

I had my induction at my local authority gym yesterday. What a contrast! In comparison, it is smaller, the equipment is laid out in a less formal arrangement, the people there are varied - some are quite fit, some very unfit and some disabled. The staff are friendly and approachable and there's no feeling of pressure. Quite the opposite in fact, they have told me to stick with what I know I can do comfortably and not to over do it and if I get into any trouble to give them a shout. And when I'm ready I can set a program. All the cardio equipment have screens on them so you can watch TV, listen to the radio, or play games while you are on it. A great distraction! My personal highlight of the induction was when the trainer was showing me the hand bike. I noticed the screen was the same as the others and then he pointed to the screen and said "This one has got the games on it too." To which I said "Oh yeah?! So how does that work then???" It took him a moment before he realised the problem! I wonder how many people he's said that to!

I have my follow up appointment with my surgeon tomorrow. I am currently sat with my leg elevated with 2 flexible ice packs around it in the hope some of the swelling can go down by tomorrow. I may have to do a last minute icing before the appointment in the morning. The point of this is 2 fold. Firstly I want him to discharge me although he has made it clear he won't do that til I have my full range of movement back which I apparently am still a little short of. Secondly, last time I saw him he mentioned a steroid injection straight into the knee! I really don't want this for a couple of reasons. Not least because I've heard it is mighty painful! Also, I'm told it's only a temporary fix and only lasts about 6 months. I want permanent fixing, not to mask the problem for a while. I'm concerned that if he does that then in 6 months I may still not be great. On the flip side of that though, I could recover fully in that time and it could get me back on my feet that little bit faster. Bottom line though, I don't want it!

If I survive the surgeon tomorrow without too much pain I will be doing aquafit again tomorrow morning. I also have a class booked for Thursday evening and one for next Tuesday morning. In between that time I want to spend some time swimming and in the gym (the nice one) to try and shift some weight and get stronger and fitter. My scales are not working at the moment, I bought some new ones today and the display window on them was damaged so I have to take them back! Until I sort that I won't know how the weight is doing so I will just plod on.

For anyone who is still reading, I hope you have had a good Easter :D
Also if you have the steroid injection there is presumably a risk of over working your knee and doing more damage because you won't be able to feel the pain and know when to stop?
That too! All in all I don't want it. And from what he was saying last time he really didn't want to do it either! He said it would be a last resort so I am trying to get the swelling down as much as possible so he isn't too encouraged ;)
I cancelled this mornings aquafit as I was still a bit achy from the exercise class and I didn't know what the surgeon was going to do! As it happens, the surgeon had a look and was impressed with the neatness of the scars (they have healed very nicely), not concerned with the swelling as he said it had gone down a bit (an hour of ice last night and another hour this morning did the trick) and pleased that I am getting plenty of physio and starting to be more active! So I have been discharged with a 3 month open appointment should I need it which I shouldn't do unless anything goes drastically wrong!

I am going to rest up for most of today then go to the gym later if my knee is ok :D