Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Yeah I guess! I know that my clothes fit better but not a huge amount. I still have a lot of clothes I can't fit into though
Well I missed out on swimming for 2 weeks as other things got in the way but last week I did do an extra AquaFit session so I wasn't lacking. But the extra AquaFit session will be a regular thing now, we will be doing both sessions back to back on a Thursday evening. I did go swimming this morning and got 100 lengths done. And next week the Channel Swim Challenge starts so I will have to get an extra session in every week to complete it. But I have discovered that there is an adults only lane swim session from 6-8pm on a Sunday evening which will be ideal :D And I am still getting to the gym 3 times a week which is good.

Weighty news: Nothing moved last week but there are signs of movement for this Friday's WI. I have 2 WI's left for the next mini goal and 4lb to shift so I need both weeks to be 2lb-ers
That's doable Taz - hope it becomes reality x
Yay Go indeed! Fitness and weightloss - much more than the rehabilitation you set out to do originally - Be proud, very proud x
Well this mornings midweek peek at the scales is indeed showing a 2lb loss! So unless I do something crazy like have a massive pig out I should be on track. Kinda hoping another one goes with it by Friday leaving me just one for next week :D
Brilliant Taz - keeping my fingers crossed for that extra pound x
Well I'm still on for the 2lb loss tomorrow but no sign of that extra lb yet so just have to see what happens on the scales in the morning. But 2lb is not to be sniffed at!

Just this last week I've had a lot of comments about the weight I've lost which has been a bit confusing as I didn't lose anything last week! I wonder if perhaps the weight distribution has shifted a little so the 25lb I'd lost is maybe showing differently?? It's always nice to have it noticed though as we never really notice it ourselves. And most of the people who have commented are people I would have seen only a week or two ago so it's not like I've lost a load since I last saw them! If I reach my Christmas target then that will be exciting as that will be a significant loss and should be a huge difference :D
The weightloss DOES show Taz - you're looking good x
Thanks Gem, I just don't really see it myself. Although I do notice it in my clothes a bit.

Double AquaFit tonight, hopefully that will encourage that extra lb to do one
Double Aqua was much fun, we have a fun little group that usually ends up in a lot of splashing :) Our instructor loves our childish behaviour, she says it's great that we enjoy it so much! Last night she said she wanted to join in on the jokes! It was quite hilarious last night.

Well.... I DID IT!!! 3lb off this week, that makes up for the non mover last week! Now just one ickle lb to disappear next week and that's another mini target hit :D
OMG!!! I've just realised that means I've now lost 2 stone!!! Yay me!!!

:wow::winner::party0011::wee::bunnydance::banana dancer::woohoo::party0019::party0049::party0048:
:superwoman: YAY YOU INDEED TAZ What a result! So pround of you x :talk017: :party0011: :woohoo:
I realised yesterday that my maths skills are sadly lacking! If I hit all my targets by the end of the year it's not 35lb I will have lost, it's 45lb! That's a much better number, I'm liking that a lot!
That's a brilliant number Taz - not far off the significant one I'm guessing. You'll soon be your wedding weight x