This Little Piggy Goes to Atkins

I can only think that she didn't know what to do with me flailing about on the floor, and himself banging at the door! Perhaps in dog world stealing PJ's off the radiator and running around with them in your mouth is the answer?!!
Oh, I hope you are ok now, but I have to admit I laughed out loud at your descriptions, much to the sunrise of my fellow train passengers....sorry
Lol! I can laugh about it now Sammy, although the body is aching again. Will have a nice bath later, and have taken some voltarol.
Yesterdays food was

B pancakes
L soup and toasted mim
D pork chop, broccoli, asparagus
S cheese crisps

Had a good sleep, and have been making Courgette spirals with my new spiralo this morning. Am taking them to mums for lunch with pesto today. Have also made curry for tonight.

Feeling great today, sore but great. Have to put up a plastic shed for mum and put her computer up.
Morning, I am glad there are no lasting effects from you escapade, enjoy your weekend, it must be lively having your mum close by.
So sorry, but I laughed at the dog too! Mine would probably just have licked me lol. But I feel your pain as 20 years ago I passed out at the top of the stairs, fell face first onto the baby gate, broke my nose and did a full ragdoll flip-flop all the way down. Ex looked over the top of the banister and just said 'are you ok' Stupid question and one of the many reasons he's the ex lol.
Hope there's no lasting effects xx
Oh you poor thing, always a treat to get that kind of support & sympathy, eh?!

Well, it's been a funny old day, as Ronnie barker would say. Met mother at Homebase to pick up a plastic shed, but couldn't fit her in the car as well as it, so had to send her back on the bus!
I felt quite carp most of the day, a bit like whiplash actually, achey all over. DH put that up while I managed to get involved in lumping boxes about, putting up the computer desk etc. Tried so hard to get the computer, broadband & phone working together, but no it just wouldn't happen. I get frustrated enough doing my own, but even more so with someone who's nearly 70 and doesn't understand the why's and wherefores. Absolutely not mums fault, but just frustrating. Turns out to be a fault on the line.

Anyway, got home around 6 ish and had the curry I made this morning, with cauli rice. This evening made chocolate brownie from the low carb gourmet, served with whipped cream. That was very nice indeed. Might have to weigh this week, just to keep an eye as have reintroduced some berries and nuts.

Glad to be home with the dog and husband this evening, there are lots of fireworks going off.

Not much planned for the weekend, DH is working days. Tomorrow I'm meeting my friend Russell to walk our dogs in the park. Nothing planned for Sunday as yet.
The day just keeps on going. Mother can't be ar$Ed to deal with bt so has told them her son in law will just phone them back in India and deal with it all, despite the fact we're 30 miles from her house and he's up in a few hours for work, and what's more he spent all afternoon on the phone arranging things so they'd call her back to let her know what they were doing about the fault.
He's just spent 20 mins being passed from pillar to post, and you guessed it, just as he's getting to the vital bits of info, they cut him off!!
Mother rang here and didn't even say thanks. Livid, rant rant rant.
Me too, but unfortunately my mother is still a stroppy teenager mentally, has an inferiority complex and refuses to take responsibility for anything. Never mind, it's small potatoes really and will work itself out. It's just such a shame because we can't visit her (whether locally or after a gruelling journey to Cornwall) without her producing a list of jobs for my husband as soon as we walk through the door. You can imagine how this goes down with Mr me, and quite rightly so. It also means we never really want to visit.
Reminds me of Waiting for God. I'm going to be Diana and be a nightmare after what ds1 has put me through. But sorry its difficult for you. I have mother issues.

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Supersmileyme said:
Me too, but unfortunately my mother is still a stroppy teenager mentally, has an inferiority complex and refuses to take responsibility for anything. Never mind, it's small potatoes really and will work itself out. It's just such a shame because we can't visit her (whether locally or after a gruelling journey to Cornwall) without her producing a list of jobs for my husband as soon as we walk through the door. You can imagine how this goes down with Mr me, and quite rightly so. It also means we never really want to visit.

My mums almost 70 and is the same re list of jobs for a) me, b) my OH, c) my brother only one who doesn't get a list is my brother's wife and the kids (they can't read lol)
Very annoying isn't it? It feels like I've got it a bit more in perspective this morning.
Have had lovely pancakes and blueberries for breakfast. Ghastly day out there but lovely, cosy and warm in here.
Sorry your mum is being so demanding, perhaps being older she doesn't trust other people in her house?

My ma has been gone nine years now, but she was hugely independent and would have told me to stop interfering lol :)
I'm struggling a bit at the moment. This week I've been struggling with headaches, I think it's me trying to get used to a new type and strength of contact lenses. I've also been feeling angry, snappy, short tempered. On top of that I'm sore from the other nights fiasco, and fed up with the lack of sympathy. Not big things, just stuff that's making me feel down. I also should do something tomorrow while DH is working, instead of moping about. Gah!