This Little Piggy Goes to Atkins

diembroadhurst said:
thats amazing neighbours - either more money than sense - or buttering you up for something...... cynical moi?

V cynical madam, they're smashing people. They've just come back to this house for a few months from their place in France....
Yes, we're doing fabulously. It's only 6 Weeks, which is nothing in comparison to last time and the last time we'll need to do it. My stomach is still rumbling, but I will not give in. I actually don't want to give in, what I want is to be slim and comfortable.
Morning 3 and I have a cracking headache. I'll get through it, and hopefully that'll be me right into the big K.
Have had a bouillon, coffee, milkshake and nearly my first litre of water.

Today will involve slobbing around until the headache goes, walking the dog, going to H&B for replenishment of tablets, dry cleanerS and Tesco for bars. Might have a coffee somewhere too. Very civilised.
Headache has gone, hurrah! But why are PJ's, long socks, slippers, fluffy dressing gown, Slanket & hot water bottle not enough to make me warm?
Am baking the DH a fry up baked in eggs and cream type thing. Hope it's nice for him. I'm still feeling hunger, but hopefully the last day of that and then I might get some energy too (not helped by totm).
Your restraint is amazing, it is hard enough to do a vlcd without cooking for someone else!
Hi Sammy, thanks for that. I've done vlcd's so many times that it wouldn't be fair to my lovely man to stop cooking for him, especially as he can't cook for himself. Luckily this is the last vlcd I'll need to do, and it is only for 4-6 Weeks.
I had a fortunate trip to Holland & Barrett today. Everything I needed (magnesium, chromium, vit D3, & CQ10 or whatever that's called) were all in the penny sale! That lot should last a while.
2 milkshakes & 1 ultraslim bar - check!
2 bouillon - check!
Loads of black coffee - check!
4 litres water - check!

Day three - CHECK! Yaaaaaaaaay, go me!!

Still hungry, but I am managing to watch man v food.
I am feeling much better today. So far no headache and more energy. Slobbing about watching Samantha Who? at the moment, but later we're off to Hythe for a mooch and the little shops there, and a nice coffee.