This Little Piggy Goes to Atkins

Thanks Mis, actually I thoroughly enjoyed making them. The mould was excellent, just hope the flavours are nice.

D, I'll keep them in the freezer.

Well aren't I feeling good today. My landlord in Hong Kong has replied to my lovely email about the rental agents (they had increased our rent without telling us and when we didn't pay the new amount we didn't know about they brought in a debt recovery agent, which was the first we knew about it!), has said he absolutely was not aware of it and would never condone it. He has instructed them to immediately reduce our rent, and told them he will self manage if they don't give us a better service. He also told them how he admires us for our contribution to the village community. How lovely!
diembroadhurst said:
well no wonder you were fuming! and absolutely good on the owner for speaking up for you. I wonder then if he didn't know anything about it - whether the agency were planning on pocketing the difference in income the rental increase generated?

No doubt they were!
stubbsey said:
Well done on the chocs they look fantastic! X

Thanks Tracey, that fiver spent in Lakeland, Canterbury yesterday was well worth it for the moulds. The chocs have gone down a treat with Mr 3 year husband.
I'm still feeling great; full of energy and perfectly well. Tomorrow I'll switch my shakes around much like today and have Exante for breakfast, bar for lunch and whey powder shake for tea. If I end up not feeling great I'll have to bite the bullet and buy some more Exante (only 6 left). I'm just being a tight wad and wanted to avoid ordering before payday!
So, to sum up today, it has been really lovely. I enjoyed making the chocs, had a really nice, crisp, sunny walk with the dog, and a really nice catch up coffee in a hotel bar with my friend.
Once my lovely man had woken I made him a nice lunch of flax wraps, with ham and lettuce. Then rhubarb crumble with low carb custard. We had some nice cards to open, and had a relaxing afternoon reminiscing. On our first wedding anniversary I bought an anniversary book. Every year we fill in what we've achieved that year, our hopes for the year ahead and a message to each other, plus we stick in a photo. It's lovely to look back on.
Poor him though, he's still feeling poorly and has to go to work in the freezing cold shortly. Sorry, waffling now!
Interesting, 2 hours after my whey shake I'm dizzy, hungry and have a headache. I've just made myself an Exante now as a 4th meal. I clearly know that I need to order from Exante. Also wonder if it's what is making DH feel rubbish too, he has one every morning.
Sounds like a lovely day. Did the crumble turn out ok? If I'd been thinking straight I'd have said you could add some mixed chopped nuts for someone on a higher carb level, to give it more crunch. I wouldn't do it myself as it would make my nut carbs too high for one meal.
Hi ml, yes I understand the crumble was a hit. I added seeds and toasted coconut to the topping as he is in maintenance levels of carb. In fact he's taken a second helping to work with him tonight, along with a serving of double cream. He likes to show the other guys on his team all the yummy things he can eat on Atkins! How are you feeling?
Rubbish! But pleased he liked it. And you're one step ahead of me with adding all that, I clearly never had to worry ;)
I've had a very gurgly tummy today, not hungry particularly but it's quite noisy!
I'm changing my routine tomorrow since reading a post by diem. I'll be having 3 shakes a day since my months worth of shakes will be delivered, and I won't have to get Tesco bars on top. Will also have my first one later.
I don't have much to report today, it's been a strange day work wise and I'm looking forward to a new day tomorrow.