Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

I have all of them lol I'm such a geek. Colour of magic is fab and rincewind stars in a good few books across the series.

Bad food day today. Not sure why. TOTM is due and I'm at the stage where the novelty has worn off my lettuce but the routine isn't quite established. Definite danger zone this weekend with my darling daughters birthday :( cake!!! Argh.

Shan't list my grub as I ate about 1800 today :( pretty much 900 of real food and 900 of crap. Not stressing because this is my new relaxed attitude to slimming. I shall not stress over a penguin binge. I shall just enjoy the sugar rush while it last PMSL

Got to try and avoid party food tomorrow, Sunday roast on Saturday (Jamie insists we have to have the roast and if we can't do it Sunday we'll damn well do it Saturday!!) and then by Sunday I will be hiding in my bed crying while the family scoff KFC :(
That's still under maintenance though so don't worry too much about it! Could you work KFC into your calories somehow on Sunday?
Haha. The novelty of lettuce wore off a long time ago. Used to have salad with everything when I first started!
Sort of avoided the party food :) just a slice of birthday cake. Was really really nice cake too haha!! Just about to put a mammoth sized chicken in the oven for tea so shall have to restrain myself!!!

Discovered Penn state pretzels today :) 113 for a bag and they were really nice and filling. Probs killed my sodium intake but I'm due on today so it's tough!! Gonna be gaining water this week whatever I do lol.
Well done avoiding all the party food! Can you not have the chicken for tea? Or do you mean just not eat that much of it?
Mmm love pretzels. They do penn state chocolate and salt covered ones too my sister always buys now. I can't resist picking at them! So good!
They sound a bit nice Bostik!

Well done resisting party food!! :)
Party number two today and I may have lost it a bit with the French stick! Curse you delicious crunchy wonder bread!!!! Gonna get strictly with it Tomoz as this weekends been a bit sloppy. I predict a STS and possibly a gain from TOTM but in fairness i haven't eaten well for the last few days so I deserve whatever I get lol
1.5lb loss for the week. The weekends naughtiness wasn't as evil as I expected :)

Going to FOCUS now till my birthday on march 1st. I know if I can have a good run of losses through feb I'll be feeling so much better about myself!! It's getting a bit worrying actually as I really do just feel vile and unattractive :( definetly time to get back on the fitness regime. The wobble needs to go!!!
Good job! You'll get it off :)
Well done chick. You must be doing something right!!
Sorry you feel so s**t about yourself. It is completley in your mind, but that doesn't make it any easier. February is going to be a fab month for all of us, I can just feel it. :) xxx
That's a great loss, well done! You're definitely not vile and unattractive I'm sure but I understand feeling that way, soon enough you'll have no reason to though.
I think it's coz I had a taste of being a healthy BMI :( and since I quit the fags my skins been really bad. I've had adult acne for a few yrs but it just suddenly got worse. A few weeks ago it started spreading so it's all down my chest arms and back now. Soooooo not sexy!!! Add in being 3 st heavier and I'm not feeling terribly confident when I'm naked lol

Still..... I've been using a cream on the worst and I've started on a two month course of tetracycline which although it has side effects should clear it up :) it's a pain tho as I have to have two hrs food free in the morning and again in the evening. So I'm not really eating breakfast till quite late!!!
Ah that sucks. Hope it works though
That's a good loss,! Yes im sure Feb will be a good month for weight loss :)

The acne I fully understand. I had an awful outbreak when I was pregnant, all over my body. I'm sure the cream will be great and will soon get rid of them.
I hope that the cream and tablets work for you. One of the girls at uni is mid 20s and she's got it, has ever since she was a kid. She's tried everything to get rid of it and nothing works or even really helps.
Ooh this weeks graze box arrived :) I had a focaccia. Bloody bloody yum!!! But I'm such a bread pig. I could easily have munched four of it lol this weeks graze box has chocolate in it!!! ;) it's gonna be a goooood week I can tell haha!! As I just have one box a day I shall save the one with White choc buttons in for a day when I'm struggling.

Had another sneaky look at the scales as I was worried I'd have a gain (Jamie made pizza...... A LOT of very very cheesy pizza and I was force fed two slices I didn't really want lol) but weirdly I'm down another pound over night and I still haven't come on? Two days late so I should be bloated like a large whale but I'm still losing at a fast rate! The first few weeks on CC are so weird lol.
Good loss! Wish mine would just not come at all. Bloated and painful right now!