Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

Yup, that was EXACTLY my plan....
Mind you..... I once tried to do my run with bronchitis (and as a 20 a day smoker that was no joke) and had a massive coughing fit, which made me pee myself a bit, then I got all confused with the running coughing and pee'ing simultaneously and shot off the back of the treadmill. The PT used to chuckle whenever he saw me after that :) I'm at a new gym now lol......

:8855:Thank god!!!! Made me laugh xx
Funnily enough that story makes EVERYONE laugh when my supposed best friend trots it out after a vodka or 4.

Been to asda and bought myself some cheap gym gear in a 16..... SOB it just rubs it in that I can't wedge my chunky arse into the 14's I was in 6 months ago!!! I think it must be me having a crap day but I look hideous in my grey jogging bottoms and a black vest top. Last yr I just wore black 3/4 leggings and a really old baggy purple vest and didn't give a monkeys but for some reason I'm hating on everything today like a spoilt brat :( I really do prefer to work out in tight fitted 3/4 lengths. There's nothing flapping about my ankles and I don't get sweaty knees!!! Coz that's just naaaaasty lol. It's not the right season for short leggings :(
caroline g said:
Yup, that was EXACTLY my plan....

Aaahh supply cupboard love affairs :)

Actually my daughters teacher (yr3) married my sons teacher (yr2) last year. Which tickled the kids no end lol. So it COULD happen :)
You'll get back into them :)
That treadmill story really cheered me up!!!

Brilliant news about the gym, you'll be back in those 14's in no time!!
You'll be back in those 14s soon enough I'm sure. I'd prefer fitted 3/4 lengths but I wouldn't wish that on my family or the world at the moment!

I wasn't particularly thinking marriage...
Those size 14's are just around the corner hun. Once you get into the swing of the gym you'll be wearing size 14 3/4 length leggings in no time. :)
Well I had my gym induction from a dreadlocked johnny deep lookylikey life guard in flip flops and for some reason I couldn't stop staring at his toes. Kinda weird of me!

When I had a bash myself I discovered two things......

1) my shiny new lungs really don't like cardio :0 but I think they will eventually. May have to build up to the treadmill an C25K though. Its not gonna happen yet!!

2) I quite enjoy strength training on the machinery. I always hated it on the mats...squats.... Ugh!! And at the last gym the machines were full of full on gym buffs. So I never went near em lol but I went for it on all of them today and it felt quite good to use my weeeeny pathetic muscles hahaha. I actually have the upper body strength of a wet noodle.

So I'm off to have some lunch (starving is not the WORD) and a shower (new cheapie gym has communal showers.... Never ever happening!!) before I get the kidlets.
Well done for going! Did you enjoy it overall? I could be a size 10 and I still wouldn't use a communal shower!
Ignore this, wrong thread lol
I liked the strength stuff but I really did not enjoy the cardio. It's horrible. I detest it. Maybe there's something wrong with me lol. I do enjoy aquafit tho so maybe I just don't like cardio machines? Maybe I'm just that unfit that it's too much like hard work and I'll get into it in a few weeks. We shall see.

I might try and get to aquafit at the gym Tomoz and see if it's any better than the one I go to already? It's at 11.15 and I have a meeting at 10.15 so if it's a quickie I'll make it!!
I like cardio, I just don't like cardio machines! Maybe stick with aquafit and other cardio stuff and use the gym for strength/resistance training?
I think that's a plan :) don't mind the rower and the bikes for warming up etc but just can't knuckle down to 30 mins of boredom on a cross trainer!!

I'm getting diet bashed today :( apparently. I wouldn't have gained while quitting smoking if I'd just join slimming world. And my best bud has just done wk1 on Rosemary Conley (I do rate that program just don't want to pay for it!!) and lost 8.5 bleeding pounds in 7 days :( I've battled three weeks and not lost that!! Still. These things happen and I am pleased for her. She really really needs this to be her yr!! Check out what is apparently 'free' on slimming world!! No waaaaaaay would I lose an ounce scoffing unlimited amounts of THAT!!!


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That's why I just don't understand SW or how it really works! They're like well by healthy food being unlimited, it's filling stuff and so you won't want to eat that much of it. Err yeah cos obviously I got to be this fat just eating normal portion sizes and amounts throughout the day didn't I...
Well done on getting back to the gym!
Oh for god's sake!! My "friend" goes to slimming world, and just can't see why I won't join her!!! As if, unlimited potatoes, cous cous and pasta, don't think so.
If it works for her, then great, but it doesn't. She looses for the first 3 weeks then gets STS's for ages, I can't see the point myself. I don't badger her about doing CCing, why does she need to shove it down my throat. Apparently CCing causes anorexia!!! *sigh*
Lol. I well don't get slimming world. It does work for them though. But like I was reading a few threads about it on here once or twice. And it's like there's all this unlimited food. You're only meant to eat til you are full though. Which is fair enough...but probably difficult for some overweight people! Also it has rules like apples or bananas aren't unlimited if you puree them cos you can eat more to get full then...it's weird lol. I like that with calorie counting it's all the same calories no matter what form it is in lol! Also, it has really helped me get a handle on portion sizes :)