Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

Sounds like you're doing great this week! I love my Graze boxes, I feel like a kid at Christmas when they arrive haha
Me too Caroline!! I actually sat in and waited for the postie today lol

Good food day today :) was busy at lunchtime (new sofa arrived for the dining room) so just zapped a meal again :(

Graze focaccia
Low fat chilli and rice
Chicken chargrill, home made wedges and salad
Snacks were I think all fruity ones? Couple of yellow plums, lychees and an apple :)

And I did a half hr of zumba too! Wooooo! Gonna get the kiddies in bed and have a soak in the bath and a cuddle with hubby who I've not seen properly since Sunday!!
Sounds like a good day :)
Nice! I feel quite proud when my snacks for the day are all fruit lol.
It's stupidly early but I'm awake because my quest to drink more water has not mixed well with my post three children bladder control. It's like I'm preggers again lol I need to pee every 8 seconds!!
Aqua fit cancelled.... So I've been puttering and discovered that my dining chair covers are REMOVABLE...... After three yrs of owning them. And they are filthy so I decided to bung them in the washer! I've EITHER wrecked my chairs and will need to buy new......OR I've saved myself £120 for upholstery cleaning :) only time will tell.

I'm craving FOOOOOOD which is why I'm desperately puttering lol going to tackle a few jobs then pop up to the leisure centre as they have an offer on for cheap gym and classes :) you can join the gym for £10 a month unlimited access and to access unlimited classes is just an extra £4 a month :) and as I'm a carer I get a discount on swimming too. So as kids under 16 swim for free we have NO excuse not to be doing plenty of exercise. The membership is valid at ALL the borough leisure centres too so I can use five different gyms :) well.... Two as the rest are pretty far away!!! I might have a bash at C25k and once I get into it and weather picks up I'll take it outside :)
Gonna do this now as I suspect I'll be busy later lol

Today's menu ;)

Graze fruit sangria (the dried physalis weren't that great :( )

Lowlow cheese spread, ham, onion on Bergen buckwheat bread with an apple and (naughty but yum) a bag of salt an vinegar French fries :)

Morrocan chicken and fruity couscous, cheese and ham potato shells and a large salad. These shells are fab from Iceland BTW :) 155 cals for two.

Probably won't be any exercise today :(
Great day Tina. I admire that although your original plans were scuppered, you have managed to stay pro active. Well done, I would probably have stayed on the sofa!!!

Leisure pass sounds like a great idea, my borough are doing something very similar, but they want £30!!! I'm not ready to show the world my body in a swimsuit yet though, shame cos I really fancy aqua fit. :)
Your neck deep in the water squeezy :) the wobbly bits wobble away where you can't see it hahaha the trick is to be first into the pool and last out.

I'm Soooooo hungry right now. I've had to have some snackage so calls will be closer to 1400 today. But anything up to 1600 is a good day so it's fine. Think TOTM is getting me. I just want fats sugars and carbs sooooo bad!!! I managed to resist cake and had rice pudding instead lol not much better really but lower cals.
Ooh your exercise plan seems good! I know what you mean about TOTM. So hard not to eat everything in sight at the moment!
Aaaarrgggghhh I have joined a gym :( I'm such a lazy bag. Haha!! Maybe this time I'll feel the love of exercise growing..... Unlikely! But there's no contract at this gym so I can drop off if it gets too hideous. Induction Tomoz :) mmmm a nice young man in tight shorts :) possibly the only reason I ever go to the bloody gym!!
Lol. I'm part of a no contract gym for the same reason. Never thought I would last this long haha
Sounds a great plan on the gym and classes front. I can't afford the gym really and wouldn't go enough to make it worthwhile really! I find that I work out a lot better in the privacy of my own home in general. The classes bit is good though, I'd do that but don't really have anywhere local enough to me for it really.
Well done Tina!! Big step done, now just concerntrate on the hotty in the tight shorts and go to all the classes he does so you can stare at his bum!! ;)
Squeezyweezy said:
Well done Tina!! Big step done, now just concerntrate on the hotty in the tight shorts and go to all the classes he does so you can stare at his bum!! ;)

I used to love my wed treadmill session purely because of the hottie who always did a 10k at 11am hahahaaa!! Position yourself behind and just perv your way thru your run.

Mind you..... I once tried to do my run with bronchitis (and as a 20 a day smoker that was no joke) and had a massive coughing fit, which made me pee myself a bit, then I got all confused with the running coughing and pee'ing simultaneously and shot off the back of the treadmill. The PT used to chuckle whenever he saw me after that :) I'm at a new gym now lol......
Oh and today was an epic food fail. I'm not listing my major binge but I've been honest and put it on MFP if anyone wants to see what a hoglet I am.

Line drawn. Shall focus on gym induction tomorrow. Was lucky to get a slot so fast! And I need something to remotivate me. I really want to clear the 14 stones by my birthday and be happily in the 13's. I wont feel such a whale then!!
Haha sounds painful!
Hopefully the induction tomorrow will motivate you to stay on track too. I find I eat cr*p less when I am exercising more.
Hot guys definitely help motivate me. There's a rather hot, young male teacher at school who has motivated me to offer to go help with Arts and Crafts club every Weds after school haha