Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

I did SW for 4 weeks and ended up putting weight on. There was always so much food you could eat. Dread to think what calories I consumed!
It does seem to work for some people though, so maybe I was just eating like a pig! Lol
Lol. That's the thing though. Eat only til you're full. I don't think I used to know when I was full before the last year or so! At my biggest I could get a whole bloody lot down me! And then end up with a tummy ache cos I was so full!
:) :) :) been to the pool and swam lengths for 45 mins. Only managed 26 lengths lol but i quite enjoyed it! Absolutely BLOOMING starving now and they only have chocolate and crisps in a vending machine!!!!
I get starving after exercise too. Maybe take a low cal snack for you to munch on if the vending machine gets tempting
My leisure centre is like that! I did an aquafit class and wanted a drink after, all the vending machine had was lucozade, ribena and other full fat/sugar fizzy drinks. Not one single diet drink, not even water!
I had a cup of tea from the machine and read my kindle for an hr in peace lol i found the swimming very relaxing for reason!! I wasn't ready to go home and get swamped with stuff!

ANOTHER first today was my quorn and chickpea madras :) not sure if that's an 'authentic' Indian curry lol but it was yum. Even hubbster liked it :) it's a bit scruffy looking as I'd started scarfing before I thought to immortalise it!!


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Looks yum. Chickpea curry is one of my faves. And low cal. Nice with some pitta :)
I had chickpea and chicken curry the other night, is one of my favs!
FINALLY TOTM has arrived. Not like me to be pleased..... but it's 6 days late PMSL I think the shock of suddenly CC'ing again upset things! I'm especially pleased as this horrible two month course of antibiotics makes getting pregnant an ABSOLUTE no. There's possible birth defects :( not sure how I can protect myself any more than I already do but I'd really hate an accident to happen now!!

Hubbster needs snipping I think. I predict a definite lack of interest in this plan haha!
Haha well you never know but I doubt he'll be too up for it either!
Squeezyweezy said:
Now theres an awkward conversation. LOL! :)

Nothing awkward about it squeezy :) after nearly 14 years it will go like this.....

'I've made you an appointment about getting the snip. It's on thursday. Wear your good pants'

If he doesn't like it I shall have my coil out and he can either go without or play baby roulette ;) I'd love love love another one or five but he keeps saying no :( I can't moan tho really as I do have three already!!! and jamie counts as about 6 kids worth of stress on his own!!!
Haha I like it! I'm terrified of ever having kids personally
Hahahaha. Baby roulette. That made me laugh! And yeah, make him do it if he don't want them!
Sounds a great plan, lol
Hmmm stupid TOTM. Now I can't go swimming :( was going to plug away and see if I could swim a bit further while hubby splashes about with the kids. Then swap places and laugh at him being as rubbish as me!!!
Oh my lord I am actually furious. I may kill my husband. It's a long back story but basically Jamie starts high school soon (he's in yr 5 now) and as he's AS we look at his options really early. As it turns out we found out in oct that he will have to go to boarding school as there's no local places suitable. I can't even begin to explain how it feels to consider putting your child in a boarding school :( I know for CERTAIN he would hate it.

I've been desperately trying other options now for past few months and I've come to the conclusion we need to move house to the town where this school is. And we need to start the process NOW so we can avoid impacting the younger kids education too badly.

But my husband doesn't want to. He thinks Jamie should board mon to fri. I think we should move and then he can stay at home with us!!! I haven't said much yet but I'm scared this will be the first time we've been on opposite sides of something so important in 14 years and I'm pretty sure I'm not willing to compromise on this. I'm worried about being made to choose between what I feel is best for one child and what my husband thinks is best for the others :(