Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

Aww hun. That is so difficult. You both want what is best for your kids obviously. Just remember you're both on the same side and try your best to just discuss it properly without too many arguments.
I can't even imagine what a difficult situation that is to be in, I really can't. Are there definitely no schools locally that would be suitable? I know of a really good special needs school, I'm trying to remember exactly where it is though as it could end up being too far for you. I'll try and find out. I know it's hard but have you spoken to Jamie about it at all? Maybe he wouldn't find boarding as bad as you think? I really hope that you manage to sort something.
I've just had a look and the school is in Hereford, I thought it might have been the side of uni closer to you. It's a shame as it's an amazing school and the head is fantastic.
Oh Tina, I'm so sorry. What a horrible situation to be in. Bostiks right, you both just want what is best for the kids, you need to talk it through and try and get on the same side.
The thought of boarding school makes me shudder, but is it possible that Jamie might actually thrive in that sort of environment? I don't know what the solution is hun.
(((hugs))) :) xxx
Alright food day. Been far too busy and there's a bit of marital atmosphere tho!

Feel rubbish from dratted TOTM and am unusually grumpy lol. Have been swearing at other road users and huffing at ppl all round asda. Think it's best if I go to bed away from the biscuit tin really.........
Hope you manage to stay away! Night :)
That's an awful situation. I would hate to be parted from my daughter and totally understand how you feel. I really hope you can find a way that makes you all happy.
Did you manage to stay away from the dreaded biscuit tin?
Yep :) just got up STARVING tho so I'm nibbling on a graze box (sour mangotastic if anyones interested) as I'm not supposed to eat for an hr coz of my antibiotics and NO dairy products in that hr :( but I'm soooooo starving!! Hoping a wee bit of dried fruit won't hurt as it's not dairy!!!

Been so good and stayed off the scales but I couldn't resist peeking...... It's looking gooooood for tomorrow!!! This is bad tho as it just encourages me to ease off on a cold frosty sunday morning when ive promised my boys pancakes lol

Missing my lil weeny girl this morning :( she 9 so not really weeny but now has a busy social calendar haha she seems to sleep out more at weekends than she's home!! This weekend it's been a birthday sleepover at ashleys. I shall go and crowbar her out in a while so we can do Sunday lunch as I'm outnumbered by the dreaded boys!
What's that graze punnet like? Tasty? I wouldn't think it'd be too much of a problem, what antibiotics are you on?

Aww bless her, she probably has more of a social life than I do!
The sour mango is great and the cherry sultanas are yum. Not sure about the dried blackcurrants tho. They're very tart but you can almost feel the vitamin c coming off them loool!! I had the Waldorf one on Friday and it was REALLY yum :) I'm a total graze convert. If I could afford to just snack on them I would. But I'd need more boxes a week lol! In fact I'd happily just eat graze for breakfast and lunch with meat/fish and salad for tea!
Oh and I'm on oxytetracyclazine (or something similar lol) for two months to try and beat my acne into submission. It's messing with my body quite badly tho. Two tablets twice a day on an empty stomach so no food for an hr either side? Just makes mornings a pain in the ass!!
I had blackcurrants in one... summer pudding maybe? I wasn't too sure about them either! I've got a couple of the waldorf ones, haven't tried them yet. You know, you could sign your husband up using a different back card and then you'd get a free one for him (you!) and then just cancel it after. Bit cheeky I know but I did it for my mum, dad and sister then cancelled them after and I got myself 3 free boxes!

I've not heard of those antibiotics but they sound evil!
I wish I could constantly get graze boxes too! I think once I'm working I will get them weekly instead of fortnightly though. It's saving money on crisps and stuff cos I don't bother snacking on them when I've got yummy graze stuff to snack on!
Funny old food day today. Got suddenly invited out to the local indoor play thingy so I took the little two and left Jamie with his dad (he got a lifetime ban last year PMSL but that's another story!!) but it meant my carefully planned ham omelette and salad was a non starter.

In the end I threw a few bits out the fridge in my bag. Lunch was quavers rice pudding and a graze slow roasted tomato relish with rosemary grissinetti. Odd mix but was all I could find!!! I've drunk about 180 coffees and chased a two yr old round the equipment till I was sweating buckets but amazingly I couldn't find that on the MFP cardio listings!!!

Roast for dinner and a slice of yet more of Jamie's home made pizza. Why can't the kid be obsessed with making fruit salads????

Was a bit slack with measuring and picking at stuff today so I suspect I'm a bit higher than MFP logged. Hopefully it won't kill WI Tomoz!!!
Sounds like a fun day hun. Craig takes the same antibiotics and they are pretty hard core. They work though.

I too am in love with Graze, and could happily have them for breakfast and lunch. :)
Squeezyweezy said:
Sounds like a fun day hun. Craig takes the same antibiotics and they are pretty hard core. They work though.

I too am in love with Graze, and could happily have them for breakfast and lunch. :)

They are surprisingly hardcore considering they are for a skin condition lol and I think they mess with you more as woman shall we say? Nasty bunch of side effects really.
Your tablets sound bit of a nightmare, but at least they will get rid of your acne.

I love graze, but have now started making my own. I bought a big bag of various nuts, seeds and dried fruit and made up 60 bags. Each bag contains 85 cals and costs 25p each. I have a food sealer so keeps them fresh.
WI day..... 3.5lbs down :) and an inch off my tummy and bust. Yay :) that's 9lb gone since I got back into things. So if I'd bothered to set one I'd have met my jan target lol. Starting on my feb one now!!!

Was a very naughty girl and didn't hit the gym all weekend :( and today I have to finish painting the bathroom that the husband started and didn't finish!!! He managed one coat on the ceiling, made a mess everywhere and lost interest. Thankyou husband!!!

Will be weds before I get back to gym/swimming :(
Might get back to gym Tomoz if I bust a move on this bathroom!! It's going quite quick. First coats on the walls so gonna slap another coat on ceiling while that dries then recover the Walls. My theory being that any spackles that get on my newly painted walls from the ceiling will be covered by the second coat on the walls?? In theory!!!