Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

Brilliant loss! And that painting will be burning calories for sure :)
3.5lbs is fantastic, well done! How goes the bathroom?
Ah the bathroom goes good :) it's all painted and new shower rail and curtain. Tomorrow I shall sand down and revarnish the bath panels and the sink unit ready for Wednesday when the company come to put the new floor down :) oh an i need to rehang the mirror and find a nice picture for the one wall.

Food been ok today.

WW chicken curry (probably with paint in it lol)
New pots parsnip and chicken roasted in frylight garlic and thyme with green beans.

I did snack today tho :( mini bag of pretzels a jar of cockles (coz I knocked them out the cupboard and cracked the jar!!) and a del monte duo,

Really fancy some chocolate. Must resist!!!
What are cockles??
Lol I see. Weird snack :p Mums been buying salt beef slices and pastrami and stuff for her work sandwiches and I sometimes just take a slice and eat it randomly. Proper weird lol
I like them but can't bring myself to eat them most of the time, I'm a little bit strange like that! I used to really worry with seafood that I would get ill so I wouldn't eat it. I used to be like it with most food but I'd be a better judge of when it's done. I'm getting better, I can have my steak a little pink in the middle and I can sometimes eat paella if it's been cooked by someone I know and I know they're a good cook. Though the other night I had chilli and garlic prawns with noodles and I just couldn't eat them. I normally buy the ready cooked prawns (they're the pinky/orange colour) but the uncooked ones (bluey/grey) were on offer in sainsburys so I got them. Glancing at the packet though I didn't spot that they were uncooked until I went to use them, thought I'd still be fine though but I really wasn't. I cooked them just like normal, though for a little longer to make sure they were done and I really just couldn't eat them. Putting it in my mouth made me want to gag and I struggled to chew let alone swallow so after two or so tries, I gave up with them lol That's exactly what I'm like with mussels, oysters, anything like that. It's stupid I know but I'm a bit of an odd one as I'm sure you've all worked out already lol
Thats another thing I used to love! Prawns. When I was little used to love them. Even with the shell on. Used to peel them and eat them. Can't stand them now! :(
Peeling prawns...:sign0137:
Lol I know. The thought of it now grosses me out! Back then used to love it!

Even chip shop fish. I never liked the fish but used to eat the batter like a little fatty lol. Can't do it now. Tastes too fishy!
How odd, maybe you're just all fished out!
Don't think it's stupid at all Caroline. I would hate to feel like that about certain foods. I'm the complete opposite, I will literally try anything once and eat most things in whatever state. Hence being a massive fatty, lol. :)
I like prawns but only the little ones. I can't cope with the peculiar crunch/squelch you get with the big *******!!! So we're ALL officially weird!!!
Haha maybe that's why we all get on so well? I think I'm going to stick with little prawns in future, I can cope with those too.
Ooooh I got censored lol. (it was only
bug gers not anything too fruity)

Made a GOOD food choice today like the little trooper I never usually am :) greggs cafe...... Sooooooo few good choices!!! It's actually scary how crap greggs food is. Anyway I had heinz chicken noodle soup and a small granary roll (had to argue with the lass as they only offered White which seems daft!!) and it really was the best option :( full fat tuna Mayo jacket? Cheese panini? Chicken bacon Mayo baguette?? I couldn't see a choice under 700 cals. Soup was horrible. Bread was looooovely!!! Moral of the tale? Stay out of greggs lol.

My graze box is whispering to me..... It has MILK!!!! MILK!!! ( <<<<< can you feel how excited I am??) MILK chocolate covered sunflower seeds in..... And mango chutney...... And chilli cashews..... And macadamia nuts!!!! WHY do I love all the high fat high cal high sugar yummies sooooooo very much!!!!! The celery NEVER calls to me like that lol.

Other exciting happenings.... found a big Lego set (creator ... The green dragon one with a light brick in!!) in a charity shop for £2.75 which will please jamiepants. Also found a tiny wooden dolls bed for sara's build a bear teddy Sparkle (it's her baaaaaby!!) £2 kerrrrching!! And in morrisons I looked in the reduced bit (don't normally bother) and got hubby an Indian meal for one which usually costs me £4 for.... £1.20!! He has to eat it today tho lol. Joe got a bit shafted with an educational batman laptop thing that does sums and spellings etc lol .....poor Joe!! I was looking for anything Finding Nemo as my lil two yr old adoptababy (a neighbours son who thinks he lives at mine looool) is mad on it. Failed on the nemo hunt lol. Gonna spend an hr with my big J man today as the littlies are at swimming till 5 :)
Ooh, get you bargain hunter. I love a bloomin' bargain, makes you feel like you really achieved something.

Well odne on resisting the lovlies at Greggs, I just couldn't go in at all, think it would kill me! lol!

Love that you put pants at the end of Jamies name. I do that all the time, thought I was the only crazy one! :D
Good job with Greggs, I just stay away now because somehow they just make everything so much higher calorie than it should be and I don't have the willpower to say no to naughty Greggs stuff!

Oooh those chocolate covered sunflower seeds are lovely!! I just had the tom yum yum punnet, thought ooh it'll remind me of Thailand (tom yum is a soup over there) but then I realised, there's always a spice in it that I don't like and so I don't like this punnet lol I've had 2 bits from it trying to decide whether to carry on or just chuck it. I don't like to waste money!

Sounds like you've had a right bargain hunt of a day. Hope you enjoy your time with J