Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

Mmm greggs! Didn't even know they did that stuff. Steak bake :) Sausage rolls :) Mmmm!
I used to call him git-boy but ppl looked at me oddly!! Strangely enough he calls me The guv'naaaa. Never worked out why lol. Jamiepants, weenerbeener and Joeystink. That's my kids nicknames lol. although Joe calls Jamie fartvader or idiothead and NEVER Jamie. But that's brotherly love for you!! Looks suspiciously like they hate one another... But they'll turn on you in a heartbeat if you threaten one!!
Haha that sounds like me and my sisters. Always fought and teased each other. But would always stick up for each other.
We're the same here Bostik. It's a case of no-one can pick on my sister(s) by me! I've always described my family as a bit like the Mafia, we're as dysfunctional as dysfunctional can be, but we've always 'got each others backs' so to speak.
Same here. I can go for weeks without speaking to my Bros, but if I needed something they would be here like a shot and visa versa. Wouldn't have it any other way. :)
You don't wanna know what my brothers call me. My Mum says we all have sewer mouths!!!
Haha yeah, fartvader is actually quite cute :p let's hope they don't learn swears any time soon!
Bostik said:
Haha yeah, fartvader is actually quite cute :p let's hope they don't learn swears any time soon!

Lol my guys don't swear as yet! Although Jamie did once sit next to a girl with tourettes on a trip to legoland and came back calling everyone..........ahem.........an *effer* shall we say? His aspergers means he doesn't really 'get' the concept of a swear? So he really didnt know it was wrong to say it!!! We had to write a list of all the swears we knew, let him memorise it and then explain they were all banned! He's never cursed again. In fact he literally 'bleeps' any words he deems offensive!! As in he actually says BLEEEEEEEP instead of the word lol. Joe drives him mad as they disagree over whether 'sexy' is a swear or not.
Haha aww bless, that's quite sweet!
Hahaha awwww! Doesn't mum and dad get the deciding vote on sexy being a swear or not? :p
*hangs head in shame*

I have a confession.........

I ate a greggs Jaffa donut :( :( but it was bloooooooody lovely!!!!!! :) :) I brought some back for the kids and there was one left for the husband and he didn't want it........ So I ate it!!! Cals were around 1500 for the day afterwards so not too bad. And I've still lost a pound since Monday. So I think I got away with it!! It was so so so good tho ;)

On a more depressing note..... I think Sara has slapped cheek disease AGAIN. Honestly, why is it always Sara who gets these daft childhood germs??? She looks EXACTLY like I've just whaled her a smack across the chops! It's even slightly swollen and hotter than her other cheek. Last time it spread all over her body.... Even the soles of her feet went blotchy!!! :( its gonna annoy her mightily as she doesn't feel ill but can't go to school as she's contagious lol.
1500 is still pretty good for the day, forget about it now!

Aww poor girl, how long does it last? I've never heard of slapped cheek disease! Just had a google and it said 'You normally have slapped cheek disease only once in a lifetime. This is because you make antibodies during the infection which protect you from future infections with this same virus.' So I guess Sara must be really unlucky to get it twice! Mind you, they say the same about chickenpox and I got that twice as a kid. I hope she feels better soon!
Ooh that donut sounds yum! Also that doesn't sound too pleasant!
It's parvovirus but mums call it slap cheek as it basically looks like they've had a good slap across the face!! It's not a bad virus really. You feel a but rubbish but can probably go to work/school. But school wont let them go because it's contagious. So she has a week of being bored ahead of her!! I've put her to bed with The Wind in the Willows. It's a lovely illustrated copy I picked up on my bargain hunt yesterday!! I think she'll like it.

Just made an amazing quorn chilli. It's a mahoooooosive pan full for only 343 calories a portion..... That's including 50g of rice :) (uncooked weight) so a rather massive plateful. Yum yum yum. Wish it was teatime!! Just what I need to warm me up :)
when I googled it says that once the rash appears, you're not actually contagious anymore, its for up to 3 weeks (I think) before. So they're just being a bit overcautious I think there.

Ooh I really fancy chilli now! That's the thing I love about quorn mince, ok it's not quite as nice but it means that spag bol, chilli, all those things are still an option. Normal mince is too high in calorie otherwise I've found. I personally think you should share the recipe :)
Poor Sara, hope she gets better soon. My brother had slapped cheek disease 3 times. We were all experts by his third time!!

Chilli sounds fab. I made turkey bolognese a couple of weeks ago, stuck the left overs in the freezer. Might have to get it out now. :)
caroline g said:
when I googled it says that once the rash appears, you're not actually contagious anymore, its for up to 3 weeks (I think) before. So they're just being a bit overcautious I think there.

Ooh I really fancy chilli now! That's the thing I love about quorn mince, ok it's not quite as nice but it means that spag bol, chilli, all those things are still an option. Normal mince is too high in calorie otherwise I've found. I personally think you should share the recipe :)

A bag of quorn
A packet of chilli mix (because I'm that lazy)
2 tins tomato
One half can kidney beans
100g sweetcorn
Any other bits of veg you fancy
Squeeze of chilli and garlic purée as the packet spice mix was a bit wimpy
200g Thai Jasmine rice (that's all I had)

I didn't have an oxo to beef up the quorn but think it would have helped!!

Cook and divide into 4. Simples.