Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

Sounds like a pretty active day for you today! I'm not sure about their swimming calories either, need a waterproof HRM so I can check!
Glad the play was good, even if it was funny when it wasn't supposed to be!

Great exercise today. Don't really know about swimming cals, can't remember the last time I went swimming.
Well MFP says 90 mins of 'swimming, general, leisurely' burns a whopping 818 cals looool. That means according to MFP I've burned almost 1300 cals today. *snorts in disbelief* I reckon I've done 800 if that. You DO burn crazy high in the water from the fact that there's resistance to pretty much every move you make!! But I don't think I burnt quite that crazy high!!

Having pork steaks with apple sauce an melted cheese for tea :) with potato skins and salad. Mmmmmmmmmm so good!!! And I had eggs for lunch so a nice protein-ey day! Yumyum.

Gotta go dig my car out if the snow again and head out to the shop. It's not far but I'm Soooooo not walking today!!! Blizzard conditions lol. Jamies only just come in out the garden. Bless him.
I just watched Australian biggest loser and the host is an Olympic swimmer. She just said that 30 mins of swimming can burn up to 300cals. I don't know if that was leisurley or fast laps. Maybe MFp's predictions are not far off? :)
I know it's higher than you'd think cos of the water resistance and stuff but not sure how high!
Well ive had the 36 hours of DOOOOOOM with JamieO. (his lunchbox got shredded in the washing machine and he can't cope with the idea of a different one. My fault really. I forgot and bloody put it on a spin cycle!!!)

He really wasn't up for school today so by the time I shoehorned him into the car and got thru traffic with him yelling at me.... Then dragged him through the slush to his class....... Still yelling like a banshee......I was a bit stressed and feeling like an epic failure of a parent lol. Lucky for me the headmistress can always tell when I've had enough so she forced a coffee on me and a box of Kleenex. Then another of his classmates arrived.... Screaming blue murder, being carried over dads shoulder and wearing nothing but a pair of pants. I think the 'let's not get dressed so I can skip school' strategy had backfired lol.

Is it evil of me that I perked right up??? It really cheered me up that although we were having a bad day at least we had our trousers on!!!

STS this week. Frankly I don't care. I ate half a giant Xmas pud with baileys infused custard at 2am last night. STS is a GOOD result lol. (the pud was the only comfort food I could find and I was extremely sleep deprived....) and the upside is..... I'm STILL full looooool half a pud is a LOT of pud!!! Haha so I've skipped breakfast and will have extra cals to play with at teatime ;)

If I manage by some miracle to find an identical replacement lunch box before 2pm I will go swim some laps. I suspect it's going to be a bit trickier to find as it's not sept and there's not a lot of school stuff in stock.
Hope you can find one hun.
Hope you find that lunch box hun. Sorry things haven't been great this weekend. Still, a STS is better than a gain. You might have turned to the xmas pud, but at least it wasn't more. I would have spiralled and eaten my body weight in chocolate. (which is alot!!lol!)

Hope you get to swim :)
No swimming. No lunchbox. BUT I did manage to stick my car in the mud :) ooh the wheelspin was awesome!!! Down side is it cost me £8 to get the HUGE amount of mud plastered all over my shiny people carrier washed off at a car wash place.

The guy was like......It's a zafira not a blooming landrover ....... what have you DONE to it?? PMSL kids found it all highly amusing when u rolled up in a mudmobile to collect em.
No swimming. No lunchbox. BUT I did manage to stick my car in the mud :) ooh the wheelspin was awesome!!! Down side is it cost me £8 to get the HUGE amount of mud plastered all over my shiny people carrier washed off at a car wash place.

The guy was like......It's a zafira not a blooming landrover ....... what have you DONE to it?? PMSL kids found it all highly amusing when u rolled up in a mudmobile to collect em.

Hilarious, wish I could have seen it!! :)
No I don't think it's bad of you! Is always nice to know that you're not the only one having a bad day and at least yours wasn't the worst lol

Haha only you Tina, only you... :p
Wooohoooo we have a lunchbox. I had to take photos on my phone of all the possible candidates then his majesty chose the one he liked. It was a cheapski one for a fiver too!! Bonus.

Off to aquafit at the gym in a mo. Never been to this one before. Hopefully it'll be a good burn!! Because I have a bit of a fattyfattychubbchubb dinner planned looool!! American ranch salad, potato shells, and chicken stacks (chicken, spicy tomato sauce, mozzerella and hashbrowns in a stack ;) ) cannot believe the salad alone is nearly 200 cals PMSL that's a hefty dressing!!! Also cannot believe I've squeezed that ^^^^ plus porridge, ham omelette and salad, fruit bag, AND a smidge of coconut cartedor into 1200 calories!!!! I am actually a genius.
OMG, dinner sounds bloody amazing. Are you cooking it or going out???

Glad a new lunchbox has been chosen, what a relief.
Enjoy your aquafit, I really want to give it a try. :)
I'm heating it up out of the freezer? Does that count looool. Salads an asda jobby and I discovered the chicken in Iceland :) I'll let you know what it's like!

Aquafit was haaaaaaaarrrdcore today. My arms are still like noodles. But this is a good thing. Aquafit I like.....gym I nooooo like!!!
Ye gods I love ham omelettes. I just hooooovered one up in seconds. Could happily eat another but I'm going to have a cup of tea instead and try to forget that this weeks graze box has my two all time best favouritest in!!!!
Squeezyweezy said:
Let us know what it's like, sounds fabulous.

It was horrible really. Pity. The chicken was like boot leather and my husband took one look and said 'oh good, I was just fancying chicken in cat sick sauce'

In fairness the hash browns disintegrated so the sauce was full of bits lol. It was not cat sick. Luckily the salad was, as always, delicious. It's julienned carrot cabbage onion and broccoli stalk with a ranch dressing. It's so good.