Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

It's yet another day that's been commercialised, to get something decent you are talking £20 plus, I'd rather spend that money on a family treat.
Squeezyweezy said:
Thats so lovely. When my Dad was alive he always sent me a card and a single rose, it shows how special that Father daughter bond is. :)
I get what you mean about all the slush. Obviously this year I am dead against anything valentine related!! But even when me and Craig were together I would cringe at it all. We went for dinner once and the waitress asked Craig if he was going to kiss me, so she stood there until he did! Awkward!!! :)

I'd have been tempted to be head butting her. I get quite aggressive when I'm embarrassed lol!!! I very much dislike feeling like a numpty. It's a pity it happens soooooo often!!!

Frankly I'd rather celebrate my wedding anniversary. Its a miracle we get to the next one each year lol What's feb 14th to me? Not a lot. April 12th however :) has an actual meaning!!
mcv said:
It's yet another day that's been commercialised, to get something decent you are talking £20 plus, I'd rather spend that money on a family treat.

I get the kids a valentines cookie but thats as far as I stretch lol and thats only coz my sis in law works in greggs (hahahahaha) and she virtually forces stuff on me for em!!
We don't do wedding anniversaries either, we remembered our first one, and have forgotten every year since, last year I phoned my hubbie at work to wish him happy 11 th anniversary but the only reason I realised it was our anniversary is because we received a card through the post lol
May be we should make a special effort this year though, seeing as we been married for 12 yrs together for 15!!
Aww it's really sweet that he bought Sara flowers too. Did the boys wonder where their present was? lol I, for obvious reasons, am not particularly into valentines day this year but I'm really not generally anyway. It's just over the top and I don't really like it. I'm not a big fan of all the smushy stuff. A big bear holding a heart saying 'be mine' on it? What the hell am I supposed to do with something like that?! I wouldn't want to go out for a meal on valentines either, it's all far too over the top in smushy stuff and price! Maybe I'm just a bitter old scrooge? lol
I'm a bitter old scrooooge too :) and proud lol.

Scales today say 1.5 down...... Why couldn't they blooming say that yesterday???? Mmm???? Stupid body. Soooo I'm going to cross fingers I can keep that off and maybe add to it this week! A decent loss would be nice after two weeks stuck!!

Just got back from the dentist with Jamie and Sara. I need a stiff drink and a lie down lol.

Gonna make Moroccan chicken with spicy wedges and a sweet pomegranate/orange salad for tea. Being as its valentines day. And we lurve it. Heheheeee.

Good news!! Baby lukas might be coming home tomorrow :) woooooo!!
Having a hungry hungry hippo day today lol. Can't seem to stop eating!! Well I shall have to as I've hit my calorie limit for today (with the dinner I've planned included) so that's it..... No more scoffing!!!

Today I've stuffed down...
Half a cantaloupe :)
A morrisons eat smart lamb hotpot (tres delicious BTW) With peas corn and beans.
A graze focaccia
A mini bag of jelly baby's (soooo good!!!)

Just enough cals left for Moroccan chicken and wedges but no wine :( :( its squash for the rest of the day lol
Squash squash squashing away......

Feeling a bit glum actually. I've been invited to a valentines protest dinner (bunch of single ladies getting drunk after buying themselves flowers lol) even tho I'm not single hahahaaaa but I'm staying in with the husband coz I sort of feel I should........ only now I'm kinda regretting it as we don't really do valentine anyway so it's just me an the kindle in bed while he de-frags the uber PC.

I could be drinking my body weight in baileys and eating a steak!!!!!

Trying to behave as I SERIOUSLY NEED a good loss this week!! So no baileys or steak!! SQUASH SQUASH SQUASH.....
Squash and a good book is much more exciting than a girly cocktail fest............honestly! :)
At least it saves you lots of calories! Did you manage to keep on squishing?
Haha it's annoying isn't it! I've drunk 2.5 litres today, been umpteen times and know I'll be awake in the night!
I love that it's good for you and makes your skin look all shiny and fresh, but hate running to the loo every half hour. Although think of the exercise I suppose!! :)
Loving that I just had a look at my notebook (where I write in my weekly WI and measurements) and I actually didn't STS last week. I lost one pound. Yay.
I like your thinking lol
Having a jammie day as I have a stinking cold. It's proving a bit hard not to snack lol. But I seem to be over my attack of the hungries so should be ok as long as the squash keeps coming lol.

Made a beauuuuuty of a toastie for lunch!! 2 Roberts oatmeal bread 140 with a low low slice 60 and a mini tin of tuna (think that's about 60 too) and a likkle dollop of ketchup...... Was soooooo good!!

Gonna have a lil salad with some chopped seafood sticks later as a snackeroo to up my veggie count as I'm planning sweet and sour turkey for dinner and it's hard to get enough veg in it.