Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

I was just thinking it sounded so nice too! Salad in cat sick... not so sure now!
Wooooo I'm so excited!!! The reason I've been MIA isn't because I've been stuffing crap...... My best friend had a BABY!!!!!!!!! I just got back from the hospital and I'm still bouncing about all over excited. Baby Lukas is 6 weeks early so was a bit poorly this morning but he's done amazingly so far and is off the cpac machine already and breast feeding well from mum. :) :) :) :)

I've stuck to cals but not done any exercise. And I probly won't do any Tomorow now as I have the brand new big sister staying with me for a couple of days while mommy is in hospital :) bless her she was so disappointed she can't hold her brother yet !!!

Just to get you all good and broody I'll leave you a pic of my new nephew (as good as!!) now he's not attached to the industrial machinery!!


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Awwww so cute! So glad to hear that he's doing better now.
Just beautiful!! Congratulations again hun, on becoming an Aunty!
Glad he's doing better. :) xx
Phew!! Thank god it's the weekend do I can have a lie in!! It's been a madhouse here!!

Baby is still fine and mom is out of hospital but sadly lukas has to stay in for a while yet :( I've just dropped my niece off home so she can see her mum for a bit. But seriously having the extra sproglet at home was killing so I'm having an afternoons respite looool all the change in routine stirs Jamie up so he's bouncing off the walls, ffion was obviously feeling a bit fragile from all the drama and homesickness, joe was excited as he loves his cousin and it was alllllll very noisy!!! Sara has been hiding in my room with a copy of the secret garden and my iPod bless her!!!

I had to have a few medicinal baileys last night!! And a purely therapeutic bag of minstrels. So WI will probs be fail lol.

Also exciting.....

Have had false nails on for the first time EVER (hence my dodgy touch typing today!!) and my god it took forever!! Poor husband had all four kids and my estimate of half an hr was a bit wrong haha........And it stinks. And the lady was lovely but I still don't know how people cope with doing that kind of stuff all the time!! 1 hour 45 minutes of buffing and polishing and doing weird stuff with stinky chemicals! Crazy. My freind was in there ALL DAY having nails, spray tan, individual false eyelashes and hair extensions done. She came out looking essentially the same but oranger and weirdly...... hairier!! Paying real money to have hair added on instead of ripped out by the roots!!! How very against the grain lol.......

Last exciting thing..... Have discovered m&s salt and pepper pretzel sticks. Oh my giddy lord they are goooooood!!!!
Sounds like a mental couple of days for you! Has Jamie managed to settle down now that things are back to normal again?
Sounds CRAZY!!! Get some well deserved rest hun.
RE the nails, I used to have them in my teens, but they are such a pain. Theres something wrong when you van't unbutton your own jeans! lol :)
Squeezyweezy said:
Sounds CRAZY!!! Get some well deserved rest hun.
RE the nails, I used to have them in my teens, but they are such a pain. Theres something wrong when you van't unbutton your own jeans! lol :)

I quite like having someone to unbutton em for me ;) hehehe.....
caroline g said:
Sounds like a mental couple of days for you! Has Jamie managed to settle down now that things are back to normal again?

Not at 11pm last night he hadn't :( we've just got up (shockingly late!!) so we'll see about today!! Hopefully he'll settle but half term makes it worse.
Hey chick, how you doing? Hope J's settled back down again now. Is there anything that you can do during half term that helps him or is it a case of just ride out the wave?
Had a lovely day yesterday :) hit merry hill with the kids to spend Sara's birthday money. Got utterly shafted by the little beggars in build a bear!! The boys now have bears lol. Sara is a BABW junkie of epic proportions..... Her bear is a year old, has more clothes than me, rides around in a pram and had its own birthday tea!!! She loves it. The boys look like they're going the same way!!!

I'm peeeeeee'd off with WI today. I'm still 14,3.5. Which absolutely sucks donkey ballage. I've been 14,3.5 for two blasted weeks now!!!!!! It keeps swinging up a pound then back to 3,5 then up again.

By rights and by maths I should have lost both weeks. Not huge amounts as I've not eaten especially well or fitted a massive amount of exercise in.... But even still!!! STS twice?? There's no way my maintenance level is 1300 cals. And who the hell plateau's after a month!! I'll give it another two weeks but if i dont get something off by end of the month I'm seriously going to look at a different plan. CC has always worked for me in the past, and I know I should have lost!!!

Also I have a stinking cold. So generally quite unimpressed with life this morning!!!
caroline g said:
Hey chick, how you doing? Hope J's settled back down again now. Is there anything that you can do during half term that helps him or is it a case of just ride out the wave?

Just ride it out really. There's not time for him to settle during a half term. So he's doing ok but has really high anxiety all day long :( makes him snappy and hyper at the same time.....lovely lovely combo!!! Haha. I'm going to kill husband as he's left two pairs of school pumps drying on a radiator and the house stinks of rubber now. Jamie can't come down without retching. Sigh.
Oh man, isn't like you can open up all the windows to air it out either in these temperatures!

Merry hill? You're brave! I only only ever go there if I really have to lol I love build a bear! Not sure I can still go in there now I'm 25 though without looking a tad strange!

The cold that you've got will probably affect WI, I know if I'm ill it always does. Though I'm not really sure why. Just stick with it, you'll get down soon I'm sure.
Yeah Carolines right hun. There are loads of thing that can be contributing to the weight not shifting. Don't give up, ebverything will balance out in the end.

I also love BAB. I have too and I'm 28!! You're never too old, and unfortunatley for you Tina, you never seem to grow out of it!! I don't push mine around in a pram though, I'm already crazy, don't want people to think I need locking up!! :)
Aaaargghhhhh £120 in asda and 90 minutes of sheer stress == serious need for some CHOCOLATE. And a large glass of beer.

Rice pudding and a cup of tea it is then!!

Why does shopping cost sooooo much more when the kids are off school?? we did however buy marshmallow fluff :) mmmmmmm!!!!! Think it's 40 cals for two tablespoons? Can this be correct?????? It's so damn sweet it must surely be more!
Busy day today. And i have germs brewing :( :(

I'm now addicted to tesco orange mango and passionfruit squash :) it's really yummy!!! Think it would make really nice ice lollies. I wanna buy a lolly mould!!

Husband came back with valentines flowers for me and Sara :) I like how he always buys her flowers too lol I'm rubbish with valentines day so I always buy him haribo hahahaaaa. He wants to go out for dinner but all the romantic claptrap makes me cringe. We can go on thursday when the restaurant won't try and paint love hearts on the plates in syrup like last year. Shudder!!!
We don't do valentines day, the first year we were married my hubbie said I don't need to buy a card to tell you I love you, romantic? Or cop out? Don't know. Now it's a standing joke he asks me if we doing valentines I tell him I don't need to buy him a card to tell him I love him. We usually spend the money on a takeaway, but we had one tonight lol
Thats so lovely. When my Dad was alive he always sent me a card and a single rose, it shows how special that Father daughter bond is. :)
I get what you mean about all the slush. Obviously this year I am dead against anything valentine related!! But even when me and Craig were together I would cringe at it all. We went for dinner once and the waitress asked Craig if he was going to kiss me, so she stood there until he did! Awkward!!! :)