Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

Squishy squashy bleurgh. I neeeeeeeed a baileys!!!! NO I DON'T !!!!

Stupid cold is really annoying me :( baby lukas is coming home on Friday but untill my germs are gone I'm in quarantine :( :( its so not fair !!!!!!!!!'

On the brighter side I found this......which sums up how I feel today rather well!!!


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Awww no, hope the germs go away double quick!
Excited!!!! Lukas is going to get weighed today and as long as he hasn't lost any more he can come hoooome!!!

Just to keep ya all brooooody lol


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Oh and in actually diet related news...... Scales are looking good!!! If I can shift another 1.2 before Monday I'll be at my first stone off mark :) need to get some swimming in but it's half term..... The pools full of screaming children! And I have quite enough of those at home hehehee!!
Loooooooooook how cute is mr man??? He's about the size of a puppy or summat lol. Sooooo teeny. I've lost more Chubb in a week than him before hahahaaa!!!


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Kkkkkkkkkkkkk Ive made rice crispy cakes with the kids and I didn't have any. Not even a lick of a spoon!! I am a good girl.

Sat and planned my days meals last night. Got up this morning and realised I'd picked up the banana porridge not plain so that was breakfast scuppered. And I've somehow defrosted pork steaks not beef steaks. So had to rethink dinner!!! Very annoying.

Also annoying me is the MIL who had promised to come swim with us (Jamie needs 1 2 1 in a pool so I have to find an extra adult) has now changed her mind but invited us over to visit instead. But I've told Jamie swimming. So now he's expecting and prepared for swimming. And although they can cope with the change better.... Sara and Joey were looking forward to swimming as well!!!! I feel like telling her to kiss my butt frankly. So now I need to find an adult victim willing to trek to Bentley bridge and get half drowned by the kiddiwinks!! They do love to dunk ya.
That is a proper let down hun, you'd think she would realise how J would react to being let down at the last minute. Aaggghh, how annoting! Hope you find someone.

Well doen on resisting the chocolate krispies, they sound heavenly. Banana porridge, Euck!! I totally agree.

Have a great day, hope you get to go swimming :)
My day is an utter freaking (I have a better word for there but it would only get bleeped!!!) DISASTER of EPIC EPIC proportions. I actually just want to shoot myself in the head and be done with it.

Swimming went badly wrong. :( took along my neighbours kids as the elder lad is 15 and a real help with the younger kids so had my MPV stuffed with 6 kids and me lol got to the pool. I'd got the bloody time wrong!!! Jamie freaked a bit as you might expect. Off to McDonald's we go to wait out 90 mins till session starts. Go back at 1.30pm with a splitting headache and a very ery anxious strung out jamie plus 5 bored and grotty assorted other kids.........only to be told the session was full before it had even freaking begun!!!!!

I told the woman in desk we'd be back, she knew Jamie has aspergers, not ONCE did the silly cow mention that the local kids start lining up about 1pm!!!!!!! Jamie went mental, the two girls started crying and I was about ready to kill someone.

I think we might have got a lifetime ban at the point when Jamie tried to climb the reception desk to get himself a locker token (screaming that he WAS going swimming and they couldn't stop him blah blah blah) And a passing lifeguard made a grab for him.....you NEVER grab an autistic child during a meltdown unless you really want a black eye. Trust Jamie to get a lucky punch in eh? I'm half expecting the police to come tapping on the door.

And I feel like a total failure. I must have looked like a complete chavvette with my 6 assorted kids and jamie going at it hell for leather. So it's an uncomfortable mix of embarrassment, humiliation, anger and sadness right now. Poor kids were gutted. Had a good cry on the phone to hubby who's promised all the kiddies a game of bowling to make up for it.
Oh you poor thing!
How thoughtless of them not to tell you it may fill up like that!
My son has a very mild form of AS, do nothing major like that really happens. He doesn't like sudden routine changes but usually accepts them after a fashion. He's nearly 13 and has definitely improved on that front as he's got older.
You are a legend coping with that scenario... All those disappointed kids.
I would likely be climbing the barrier alongside Jamie to get my bloody token too!
You have nowt to feel ashamed about!


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Aww no, can't imagine how stressful that was for you to go through! To be honest, the lifeguard had absolutely no right to go to grab Jamie and so, quitely frankly, the punch was his own fault. I'm so sorry that your day turned out so badly, I hope that the rest of it went a bit better.
Bleurgh. Ive settled down now lol. Had me a rice crispy cake :) in all honesty it's not his worst outburst. And it surely won't be his last. Think it was the look of utter contempt from the desk lady. I haven't had one that bad for a while!!! I'm out of practice and my skins obviously thinner than it used to be PMSL.

The golden lining looking back now with a cup of tea and a cuddle........is that Jamie actually calmed himself really well once I got him out of there. And an event that could have gone on for three days (and has before now!!) was out of his system in less than three hours. He used some of the strategies we've been teaching him and what's more....he used them independently. Sadly he really doesn't want to go swimming this weekend. Not even at a different pool. So we'll see how we go with that!!
Well then there's definitely a positive in it all. Shows that what you're doing works, which is great.
Today I am mostly building Shakespeare's house out of paper mâché with sara lol I'm actually so hungry I could eat the mâché!!!! God bless school projects!!

I was graciously permitted to rip the newspaper but other than the odd order to 'put your finger here mommy' I've not been allowed to touch it much :(

Had Alpen porridge for lunch and a graze box for elevensies but I didn't like it :( was gutted as it was only 60 cals lol Mexican crackers and salsa fresco. Didn't float my boat really. I've left half for hubby.

STEAK CHIPS AND PEAS for dinner :) mmmmmmmmm!!!!! So excited to get a bit of red meat lol
Nooo don't do it!! Have you got anything low cal that feels like a naughty treat? Sainsburys do sugar free marshmallows which are 5 cals each, 4 of them in a highlights/options hot choc is a quite sweet and chocolatey treat for only 60 cals. Or flumps are only 30 cals apparently.
Sorry swimming was such a disaster. How dare the lifeguard grab any child, let alone Jamie without consent. I'm with Caroline, he deserved a black eye!!!

Shakespears house sounds interesting. I want pictures when it's finshed. :)

Don't give in to the munchies. Have a sweet cuppa or something. You can do it! :)