My day is an utter freaking (I have a better word for there but it would only get bleeped!!!) DISASTER of EPIC EPIC proportions. I actually just want to shoot myself in the head and be done with it.
Swimming went badly wrong.

took along my neighbours kids as the elder lad is 15 and a real help with the younger kids so had my MPV stuffed with 6 kids and me lol got to the pool. I'd got the bloody time wrong!!! Jamie freaked a bit as you might expect. Off to McDonald's we go to wait out 90 mins till session starts. Go back at 1.30pm with a splitting headache and a very ery anxious strung out jamie plus 5 bored and grotty assorted other kids.........only to be told the session was full before it had even freaking begun!!!!!
I told the woman in desk we'd be back, she knew Jamie has aspergers, not ONCE did the silly cow mention that the local kids start lining up about 1pm!!!!!!! Jamie went mental, the two girls started crying and I was about ready to kill someone.
I think we might have got a lifetime ban at the point when Jamie tried to climb the reception desk to get himself a locker token (screaming that he WAS going swimming and they couldn't stop him blah blah blah) And a passing lifeguard made a grab for NEVER grab an autistic child during a meltdown unless you really want a black eye. Trust Jamie to get a lucky punch in eh? I'm half expecting the police to come tapping on the door.
And I feel like a total failure. I must have looked like a complete chavvette with my 6 assorted kids and jamie going at it hell for leather. So it's an uncomfortable mix of embarrassment, humiliation, anger and sadness right now. Poor kids were gutted. Had a good cry on the phone to hubby who's promised all the kiddies a game of bowling to make up for it.